July 24, 2009

How to turn a dress into a scarf/shawl

My little dress turned scarf project turned out alright. Basically, I cut off the skirt portion of this dress...

and made a scarf out of it. I added running stitches to one side of the scarf (the plain black side) for balance, because the trim design was heavy to one side. I also added the little bobble clusters to each side, but it's not as noticeable as it is in the Nani Iro scarf. However, it does add weight to the ends of the scarf which I very much like. That's pretty much all there is to it.

Here's a front view of it as a shawl...

The cameo pin is from Elsa Mora's etsy shop. Such sweetness.
And here is the back view...

So if you happen to have a dress with fancy trim and you haven't worn it for some time now, you now have a new option!

How to turn a dress into a scarf/shawl

1. Cut out the skirt portion of the dress. Make sure to cut out more than the desired width of the scarf/shawl. For example, I cut 25" up from the hem, because I wanted the finished width of the scarf/shawl to be around 20".
2. Rip out the side seams.
3. Cut 2 rectangles out of the 2 skirt pieces. I cut each rectangle at 20" in width and approximately 30" in length.
4. Finish the short ends of one side of each rectangle piece.
5. With right sides together and matching finished short ends, sew the 2 rectangle pieces together along the finished short ends. You should now have one long rectangle piece of fabric.
6. Finish all raw edges of fabric.
7. Add running stitches to the fabric where your eyes want to see them.
8. Add the bobble cluster. (see scarf/shawl tutorial for instructions on bobble cluster).

That's it!
Have fun bringing new life to dead dresses.



Mary said...

Jamie, you are amazing! I love your attention to detail, and great reuse idea. The scarf is beautiful, and the Elsa Mora pin is a pretty touch!

Pretty Ditty said...

Thanks for the kind words =)

SEWButterfly said...

Your scarf/shawl is beautiful! Thanks for the instructions.

Rachel@oneprettything.com said...

Wow, that is GORGEOUS! What a fabulous idea, I just love this. I'll be linking...after I finish raiding my closet!

Pretty Ditty said...

Thanks. I'd love to see other completed scarf projects.

mommyknows said...

It looks fabulous. You are so talented. I WISH :)

Heather said...

All your scarves are making me drool. I don't even normally wear scarves but I'm thinking it's time I start! Beautiful!!!!!

GoyaDesigns said...

Nicely done.

Anonymous said...

Fer Cute!

Daer0n said...

Absolutely gorgeous, i love this idea. So neat, it turned out fabulous!

Ur English Teacher said...

I wish you worked in my office or something so I could see what cool stuff you wear every single day! If you ever get in the mood to take a picture of yourself once a day, I would completely enjoy it. Your aesthetic sense makes me SO HAPPY!

Pretty Ditty said...

Thank you! You have encouraged me to continue to dress the way I do. Thanks =)

Craft Passion said...

This is stunning. i am going to make this. I am going home to dig out my old-seldomwear skirt with similar look like yours. I like your another one using new fabric.
Ooohhhh... I am so excited, I am going to post this in my facebook and tell my thousand over friends and fans about it. I am sure they will love it!!!!
Thanks for sharing!

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