Warning! This post could make you loose your appetite.

In a conscious effort to get in bikini shape this summer, I have been trying to eat healthy. By eating well, I've incorporated a lot of organic natural foods so that way, later in life, I won't grow unwanted facial hair or a third eye. One of my favorite lunch time meals to make is an organic spinach chicken salad with poppy seed dressing. Tastes pretty good and looks pretty good. Or does it?...Wait! What's that on my fork?

Is that a chopped up piece of spinach? No, no, I don't think so. Hey.... are those legs?

Oh my! Imagine that! A piece of spinach with legs.
So this is what organic means - leaves
AND bugs. Lovely. Had I known bugs were included I wouldn't have cooked up the chicken for the protein part of the meal =)
Seriously, I was so repulsed by the dead critter, that I had to eat half a bag of
Dove dark chocolate just to get any spinach taste out of my mouth!
Unfortunately, my food discovery adventures don't end there. Two days later, I was eating another healthy recipe of eggs, brown rice, and salsa. As I was eating, I noticed a different shaped chopped tomato in what I thought was salsa.

Yeah! It's a HUGE piece of CARDBOARD! This is taking reduse-reuse-recycle way too far. And yet again, another half bag of
Dove dark chocolate to help in recovery. All I have to say is that if ever something is found in one of my Dove dark chocolate bags I'll be forced to start a hunger strike in the lobby of the Dove Chocolate home office.
At this point, a microwavable meal isn't sounding too bad.
Clearly I have spent too much time thinking about this.
Wow, that's gross. I'm going to start looking at my food a lot closer. By the way, I just discovered your blog and it's fantastic!
Very funny and I didn't lose my appetite! Once I was lunching at a major pizza chain, and my boss froze: turns out he had a Ranch soaked cockroach in his salad! I told him not to eat from the salad bar, but he didn't listen. Great blog!
Thank goodness that youre not a vegetarian or vegan ;-)
I feel your pain! I still won't eat soy beans after I found worms in 2 different batches of them!!
Ugg! No wonder the food network chefs tells you to wash your produce even if it's in a ready serve bag. if I found a critter during the washing process, I still wouldn't want to eat it.
No I can't stand critters in food, I scrutinise all food I eat because of it. Yuk!
Worms and roaches!
Yes, I will be pre-washing all packaged products from now on.
I once bought a loaf of bread and found a strip of conveyor belt in it...luckily it was blue and very easy to spot before someone took a bite...thank goodness for Dove.
That is AWFUL!
I think you should seriously contact the grocer and the manufacturer for some serious reciprocation/redemption!
How horrible! And I read this just as I am about to dish up supper!
Ack! Once I was enjoying a steamed artichoke and when I got down to the inner leaves there was a worm wrapped around the inside. I haven't had an artichoke since.
I can understand the bug.... just have to wash veggies very very well, but cardboard in salsa?? Sheesh!
The Blue Ridge Gal
What a bummer! just found your blog, I love it!
I think I could manage on an all dove diet.
You ladies are cracking me up!
Just discovered your blog today, you are too fun! Whew, thank goodness you found the bug and cardboard! Just think about all the bugs that have been missed, Yikes!
I guess the bug is your protein and the cardboard would be your carbohydrates? Yuck! Just stumbled on your blog and I took the tour, very nice! Love your aprons!! :)
Hahaha, this was so funny, i kind of did lose my apetite when i saw the green bug, how gross!
The piece of cardboard was kind of unusual, not too gross at all.
Nothing can beat this, i don't think:
When i was about 9 years old, i was eating a bag of m&m's and i accidentally dropped more than a few to the floor, i went to pick them up to put them back into my bag, then i started eating them again, then i noticed i had chewed on something not so 'chocolaty'....it was a cockroach egg. Yeah. THAT will make you lose your apetite. ew, ew ew.
Offtopic, i found your blog a couple months ago and i thought your dresses and aprons were so beautiful, but for some reason i had lost the website address and i couldn't find it, i found it again on sewing.craftgossip.com! I love your dresses, shirts and aprons, all very cute!
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