The giveaway is now closed =( The winners will be announced Friday, February 13th.
It's time for the Peg Doll Kit giveaway! I am super excited for this giveaway, because I am anxious to get others hooked on making these cuties. Hopefully, we will soon all be bonding over our little creations like Mama's and their newborns.... sort of =) Before I begin, let me introduce you to 2 new additions to the peg doll family. This is Olive....
and this is May....
Both are very sweet and happy peg peoples'.
Now for the fun part.... the giveaway! I am giving away 3 Peg Doll Kits. Each kit will include the following:
~ doll parts to make 2 peg dolls
~ dress template and pattern
~ 2 - 5" square felt fabric (dress material)
~ 2 snaps (for the dresses)
~ directions for assembling the peg doll
What you will need:
~ paint for the face, hair, and skin
~ fabric glue stick (my preference) or some type of adhesive
~ embellishments for the dress (optional)
~ wood glue if you want the head permanently attached to the peg (optional)
~ varnish (optional)
How to win a kit:
Leave a comment on this post with a Valentines Day gift idea, story, or memory. If you're not into the Hallmark holiday, then vote for your favorite comment. Please don't forget to leave some sort of contact info such as a blog link, email, or web site.
Who can enter? Anyone! Yes, even International as long as USPS airmail will ship there.
How will the winners be chosen? By a Random Number Generator.
The giveaway will close on February 12th 2009 (just in case someone reads this post after 2009) and the winners will be announced on February 13th (Friday).
Let's start the giveaway.... NOW!
Oh, oh, I'm so excited! Does this mean there are kits to purchase too? I can't wait to start!!! They are all so beautiful!
Soon there will be kits and the giveaway has already started. You have to leave a comment on this post with a Valentines day idea, story, or memory.
Good luck!
I am in love with your May! She is so lovely and cheerful looking.
As far as valentine's day goes, my husband and I always make ourselves a fancy dinner (we love cooking together)that's not something we have every day. Last year we did cornish game hens. This year's still up in the air.
Hi! Loving the peg dolls!
The favorite activity on valentines day with our family is a valentines scavenger hunt. We leave valentines cards all over the house with clues that eventually lead to candy and other fun gifts.
Anna (shinnick6@juno.com)
Yay, im so excited about this giveaway. I love all your pretty peg dolls and would love to somehow get me a set or two. I bet i will get hook on them too!
I love february, the month of celebrating love. This year, i'm planning to make small little sweet felt treats goodie love bags for my friends tag along with a little postcard. And since my fiancé is in Germany, i can't setup a romantice dinner for him. I guess i'll plan for a small celebration with him on the net. And mail him and his family some gifts handmade with love.
Thank you Jamie for this really awesome, fun and generous giveaway! Have a lovely merry day and a merry restful weekend! Lots of love to you and yours!
I love your little dolls, and, given there have been no kits available, have been scouring craft shops for the heads and stands to try and make some myself (not that they'd look quite as pretty as yours!. I can't find them! But - if you're giving them away or selling them - wooh! YAY!!! As for Valentine's day, I am making fimo lovehearts with tin foil wings (the thicker kind you get from a take away food carton). I have scored some feathers in the wings so they look really pretty, and bradawled a hole for some pretty silver string to hang them up with. If you like them, leave a comment or mail me on flickr, where you can see an example. There's alson some valentine bunting on there which is really long - I've photographed it in stages, which doesn't do it justice, but it's lovely and springlike. I hope the other half likes it and doesn't think I'm trying to turn him into a girl with all these pretty things!
Anna x
My daughter and son-in-law adopted last year. They are now a bi-racial family. I would love to start the tradition of sending them a new bi-racial peg doll each year. My daughter would be elated since she and her children (my grandchildren) do many craft projects together. This week they did bookmarks with buttons on them to give to each child in my granddaughter's class. They are very sweet. Here's the link to her blog and how they made the bookmarks.
The Blue Ridge Gal
One Valentines morning, when my son was in 1st grade, I made him strawberry milk, and heart shaped pancakes - not very oringinal, but he loved it! This year I made some felted hearts with messages on them! Thank you for doing this fun giveaway!
I love your peg dolls! Thanks for the giveaway!
This year for school valentines I had the girls draw (or color) hearts and designs on 5 1/2" X 8 1/2" paper with markers. I scanned those into the computer, resized them to "school valentine card" size and printed them. The girls will write their names and their classmates names on the back. A new way for us to do "homemade" valentines without out the frustration of actually cutting/gluing/drawing 20 separate ones!
Thanks for doing a giveaway! I love these little dolls.
This is what I did for my husband when we were in college. I cut up 100 or more paper hearts of different sizes (out of colored paper I had laying around). Then I wrote song lyrics and pieces of love poems on each one (that was the hard part, thinking of different stuff for each one. Luckily we have the internet now). Then I put them all over his room (we weren't married yet). In his shoes, in his pockets, in his drawers, in his books, etc. He was still finding them a year later!
*squee* I would love love love this!
this year for my husband i'm doing one of those "52 reasons" books ala craftster. I'm uncreative on my own :-(
This would be such a great craft for my daughter and I to do together.
Before I had a child, I was very romantic, and would make my own paper, write a poem in lovely cursive on it, and then wrap it up like a scroll for my hubby. Now we have to schedule an hour alone together for Valentine's Day!
my mom always left us a small heart shaped box of the drugstore chocolates (whitman's or russell stover's) on my sisters and my pillows while we were off at school or wherever for the day...
My family always celebrated together growing up. Mom would make a candlelight steak dinner, and we would eat using the good china. She would have chocolate hearts and conversation hearts next to our plates for after dinner.
Cute dolls. They would look so cute in my craft room.
I like to take tree branches, put them in a vase, and hang little pieces of paper with things each member of the family loves. After Vday, I take the notes down and save them as a memento. I blogged about it here and it includes a pic. http://koalabrains.blogspot.com/2009/02/love-tree.html
By the way, I'm in the process of making your fabric bird cage. I started it last night and will post about it when it's done. Thanks for the tute, can't wait to complete it :)
I'm excited to enter this giveaway. I just recently discovered clothespin dolls and am totally enamored w/your delightful creations! May is a vision!
For me, the perfect gift from my husband would be a quiet evening w/out the kiddos. (we have 4, ages 10, 3, 2, 5 months) So quiet is something I don't get much of. Right now the weather is perfectly spring-like. A bottle of wine, some candles, and our 2 seater swing in the backyard, and plenty of time to just catch up and talk. Oh my....that would be perfect!
Ooh, pretty peg dolls!
I only have ONE Valentines Day story because I have only received something once before. This was last year. A delivery guy came to my school and delivered a heart shaped box of chocolates to me! Ferrero Rocher too! It didn't come with any note so until this day I still do not know who gave me that box of chocolates. But hey, free chocolates! I'm not complaining!
I believe my email address is on my profile :)
Very Cute Dollies!
My most memorable Valentine's yet is making hand-stamped valentine heart-topped boxes, filled with hershey's kisses, with my daughter for her classmates in Kindergarten 2 years ago. It was so fun!
Jennifer J. S.
I just fell in love w/ doll pin dolls. I have already gone out and purchased the material to create some for my nieces.
this year i am creating felt fortune cookies (pink, red, white) goody bags for family & friends. For my nieces i made heart mice w/ lollipop tails.
Cute dolls! I would love to win one of your kits. My best valentines day memory is when I was pregnant with my daughter. My husband came with two roses. One red one for me and one pink one for our daughter that was due that summer. I thought it was the sweetest gesture.
Your dolls are super cute! I so want to be entered to win! I am not a big fan of Valentine's in the past. This will be my first married Valentine's so I hope to have a new outlook for the holiday. I can say that my now husband bought me some chocolates but kept them and ate them when I told him I didn't like the holiday and I wouldn't go out with him at that time. Lucky for me I wised up at when out with him and now we are married. erikadavison@gmail.com
My two valentine ideas are also my story. I dipped strawberries for my husband and kiddies. I made a variety pack. I made two dark chocolate, two milk chocolate, two white chocolate w/a milk chocolate drizzle. I also made heart shaped peanut butterfilled chocolates to place between the strawberries. Hey, maybe I'll blog directions on how to do both. I also made each beloved family member a valentine card. They each found their treat ontop of their pillow when they got home from work (work= school for kids). They each had enough treats to be very happy and they each actually expressed great gratitude.
Oooh oooh - pick me!
This year as a surprise for my boys I got them a little chocolate fondue melting kit, and we'll dip chocolate together! (Fair trade, of course)
That's my big idea for the year!
<3 pamelamama - gmail!
So here's a sad valentine's story, when I was a teenager, I was all mooney over an older boy. We had had a few dates, but valentine's day came and went with no word from him. He called a few days later to say, "Happy Valentine's Day...I was going to get you a card, but I didn't have enough money." Now, I know that money isn't everything - but this was my first clue that this may not be the dream boy I'd imagined!
Miss pricklypear
okay, One of my favorite valentines day memories was last year when I made heart shaped hamburgers for dinner...I even cut the tomatoes and lettuce with the heart cookie cutter.
My Favorite Valentines memory is making mailboxes out of shoeboxes for school parties!
No favorite memory...just a craft. Click the link to see my Valentine wreath!! Would love to win...love your peg dolls!!!
Hi! Your peg dolls are super adorable!
I guess my Valentine memory is one from when I was a child. My mother used to put a special handwritten Valentine note in my sister's and my lunchboxes every Valentine's Day, along with a package of cinnamon hearts. We received other things too, like toys, chocolates, etc, but I always looked forward to the note and the hearts the most. I still enjoy cinnamon hearts every Valentine's Day, and I always remember my mom.
How Cute! Please count me in. Valentine's day now has a new meaning for me. My baby girl and her cousin were both born on that day last year.
I am already hooked on looking at the adorable little peg girls, if I win I can easily be hooked on making them! As it happens, Valentine's Day is my fave holiday! Let me just say lots of handmade cards and goodies,(read chocolate) on this day, dinner out, and decorating my kid's doors, are just some of the things we do. This year, we are having a 9 year old girls' Val party-everything on the menu is pink and red! I also enjoy collecting vintage valentines from the 1970's. And, every year we make a placemat out of the kids Val cards from school! Fun Fun Fun!
For folks who have kids. Cut out the words I "heart" you. Have each child hold up a letter or the heart and take a picture. Then created a mosaic in photoshop, print and frame.
I was just browsing the lamp shade tut. (via whipup). This year, my son is making little collage heart valentines from pieces from an old wallpaper book. They say "I'm stuck on you" on the back. Yeah... cute and lame at the same time. :)
Thanks -- love the site.
Fun giveaway! For those with little ones, have them paint their hands red (palms and fingers) and then they can make handprints with both hands in the shape of a heart. Paint a green stem and it's a heart flower. Perfect for a homemade, meaningful Valentine keepsake.
My favorite valentine memory involves my now husband driving to my office and putting hundreds of hand cut construction paper hearts all over my car, inside and out to surprise me at the end of the day.
I happened to be having my yearly review in a conference room overlooking the parking lot and saw the whole thing. My boss loved it too!
As for Valentines day the first valentines day my now husband and I were together I went to Hawaii to visit a girlfriend. He has since given himself a by on this holiday since I did that. IT was worth it Hawaii was great and he was still here when I got back. lynzward@hotmail.com
I just found your blog, and love it! I adore the lampshade from a few posts back. Awesome.
I was contemplating a spool doll, and look you already did it. It is fabulous!
I am hosting a giveaway on my blog too right now.
A Valentine gift we are working on for my dad is a jar of Love. The kids and I are putting random reasons we love my dad (lovenotes) into a jar for him to pull out once a day. Of course the kids may be pictures, but he is sure to love it!
Great giveaway ;)
The dolls are wonderful! Oh I want them soooo bad!
For Valentines Day I am teaching my kids crochet/knitting group at work how to make crocheted red hearts and we are taking them to a nursing home to give away to the residents. I think I will make this a tradition.
I just love homemade construction paper valentines. I can't wait to see what the kids bring home from school on Friday!! All those doilies & glue just make me smile.
Of course the fun old vintage ones can't be beat either.
THis is so wonderful! I can't wait to get some kits as gifts...
Those are darling little pegs!
Back in high school I never had a sweetheart on Valentine's Day, so I pretty much hated the day. My science teacher was basically an old maid, but she LOVED LOVED LOVED Valentine's Day. She would decorate her room and bring in heart shaped sugar cookies for every student in her classes. That's a lot of cookies! That made a huge impression on me as a teenager, that the day is about showing LOVE, not about having a romantic expectation. AND, a few years ago she found and married a man of her dreams!
My husband I are secretly a little bit of Star Wars nerds. For our first Valentine's Day together, one of the things he gave me was a stand-up cardboard cutout of Yoda. On the back, in yodaspeak, mimicing a quote from one of the movies, he wrote a Valentine's note to me. Twelve years, three states, two countries, and two baby girls later, yoda still lives with us, and is currently residing in our 2 1/2 year old's closet.
These are soooo cute! I want one! (:
Love these--and would like to make them for my son and daughter. My best Valentine's memory occured this year: My 3 1/2-year old son surprised me with a wooden box he had assembled (with Daddy's help) at a Home Depot children's workshop. It had a wooden heart cut-out on the lid, and the inside was lined in felt. Hands down the best present I've ever gotten.
These are so cute! The ideas in my mind are spinning..... Valentines day is so cute because I get to now see my husband pick out treats for our daughter too!
Thank you!!
So cute!
My daughter made valentines for the first time this year (she's 3) - heart-shaped crayons (made out of bits of red, pink, and orange crayon melted together), which she handed out to all of her friends in music class. She was so proud of herself, and it was so sweet to see her excitement.
Your blog is adorable!
These are so lovely! I'll be checking you shop for kits If you decide to add them.
I'd have to say my best Valentine memory is from 3 years ago. After quite a few miscarriages, I was holding a beautiful baby girl! My baby girl valentine, Madeline.
I had quite a complicated pregnancy, so when my OBGYN, was planning delivery the only date he could induce was the 14th. I was terrified of the induction, full of fear from the complications. However it must have been fate because I went into labor all on my own. With a pretty good labor and delivey all things considered. She must have bee meant to be a Valentine baby the whole time. Every Birthday party we have on the 14th will always confirm how she sole all of our hearts!
Count me in!
Here's what I'm doing for Valentine's day this year: My daughter and I have had the worst kind of flu all week, but I wanted to do something for my husband. Sadly, both of us are completely exhausted and can't do much. So this morning, I cut a big heart out of brown mailing paper and dug out some magazines and glue sticks. I taped the heart to our table, and we've been slowly making a collage for my husband. It's fun, because we can lay in my bed together and cut things out that Daddy would like.
I just stumbled onto your blog and love it! Hmmm,fav valentine story...has to be growing up, my dad would alway give me and my sister some little, sweet gift and a poem about how much he loved each of us, right up through high school until we moved out. I have a great dad!
Jamie, these peg dolls are so darn cute! Have you ever tried making fortune cookies from scratch? They are relatively easy to make (I followed Martha Stewart's recipe) and it's fun to individualize the "fortunes". I was going to make your love birds for my sisters, but I ran out of time. Maybe next Valentine's Day!
Thank you everyone for entering the giveaway. You all have shared such wonderful ideas and memories.
The giveaway is now closed and the winners will be announced tomorrow.
Hi Jamie.
These are the prettiest little peg dolls I've ever seen. I think I'm obsessed now. I love you blog and plan on visiting alot more.
Hugs and Merry Christmas...Tracy :)
I hope that I am reaching your blog at right time because it is the next valentine due in a month now. I think a fortune cookie might be the best valentine day gift for someone who loves you so much.
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