March 18, 2011

Old Town photo shoot

The photo shoot for my latest patterns was sooo much fun!  We went to Old Town San Diego and let me say it's almost overwhelming with all of the perfect little spots to shoot.  We did the shoot last Sunday which happened to be the daylight savings time change.  Yikes! Tell me again why we need to change the clocks? Needless to say, we got off to a late start.  Due to the time change, we started shooting later than we had hoped, which made the sun light a little harsh at times. Even still, Pierre Olivier (my talented photographer) was able to handle it and made it work for the shoot.

The above pics are of the models Sellecca and Carrie. 

My sister.

Me, in desperate need of a hair cut and color while waiting patiently for the crew to finish watering their horses.

I'll share some more pics as I get closer to publishing the patterns.

Oh and one more thing!  I am now on twitter.  I have no idea how frequent I'll tweet and what all I can do with it, but it is nice to randomly tweet something.

Follow JmeChristina on Twitter




GoyaDesigns said...

Still up to good things I see. Keep it up my friend.


Sewing Princess said...

beautiful pictures. Can't wait to see the new patterns

jacqueline said...

Dearest sweet Jamie, look like a fun day and im excited to see your new patterns! :D Have a lovely merry happy week and love to yoU!

Anonymous said...

really you need color. I like the look you have. I found you googling how to make a scarf. Thanks for the tutorial.

zubizup said...

Turkis Underwears
please look:)