October 29, 2009

Della the pumkin head girl

It's been some time since I last made a peg doll. For a while there, I was... oh what's the word... OBSESSED! I don't know, there's just something magical about making a doll, naming her, and knowing that she has a story. This is Della the little pumpkin girl peg. Her favorite holiday is Halloween, because she doesn't have to hide her pumpkin head. She just tells everyone she is a white pumpkin for Halloween.
The fairy tale about why Della has a pumpkin head goes like this...First off, she wasn't born this way. Some time ago, on a warm October night, a spell was cast upon her family. The spell turned all of Della's family members, including little Della, into some sort of vegetable or fruit head. Let's see... there's Annie Apple Head, Sondra Squash Head, Gauthier Gourd Head (poor thing), and the list goes on. I'm not sure what her family did to tick off the spell caster, but some say the family suffered the spell because they refused to eat their vegetables! In order for the spell to be broken, Della and her family must dance and sing to convince as many boys and girls to eat their fruits and vegetables.

Happy Halloween!


October 26, 2009

The Monster Mash

Oh my goodness! Have you seen this? Probably. However it's new to me, so I must share.
I'm so behind on this sort of stuff. I blame it on the fact that I'm not on facebook =)

Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!

Thanks to my cousin who showed me this site, I have wasted hours making JibJab cards. The cast for this card is: my Pop as Frankenstein, my Father-in-law as Dracula, my Sister-in-law as the Werewolf, my sister as Dracula's Bride, and me as the Mad Scientist. I also made one with my kids and they loved it. It's just too funny! The Monster Mash eCard is free at JibJab.


October 22, 2009

A beaded fabric flower necklace tutorial

Lately, I've noticed both Etsy and Anthro featuring fabric beaded necklaces. I've also noticed a lot of fabric flowers. So, I decided to combine the two and make myself this necklace. I was going for a Halloween type vibe, but I think it can pass for a post Halloween necklace too. As a matter of fact, it would be a great Christmas gift. Scratch the Halloween theme! This is now my sisters Christmas present. Just joking Julz... unless you like it =)

Below is a tutorial on how to make the necklace.

  • Necklace fabric: 2" to 3" strip by width of fabric (43"). This is an estimate. You will likely shorten it, but it's best to have too much than too little. Also, light weight knits, gauze, and stretch fabrics work really well. I used Robert Kaufman's Black Panda Knit fabric (link).
  • Flower fabric: 3/4" wide strips of any type of fabric will do. I used scraps and a striped t shirt I no longer wore.
  • Beads: Any size will do; however, the smaller the bead the longer it will take to finish the necklace.
  • Matching thread and a needle
  • Fray check (optional)
  • felt scrap (optional)
  • pin back (optional)


Step 1. Make the casing

1) To determine how wide the casing should be, wrap the fabric around your bead and make note of how much fabric was used. Next add a 1/2" to the measurement. The 1/2" will account for the 1/4" seam allowance. Note: If you are sewing with a stretch knit fabric, only add about 1/4" for the seam allowance (fabric will stretch). Cut your strip. We will adjust the length of the strip later.
2) Fold the strip in half lengthwise (right sides together). Stitch along long edge of strip (opposite of fold) using a 1/4" seam allowance. Do not stitch short ends.
3) To determine the necklace's length, tie the fabric casing around your neck to length you want the necklace to hang. Be sure to tie a bow, because this is how you will attach your necklace. You want to account for the amount of fabric used in the bow. Cut off the excess fabric. You may find that you don't need to cut off any fabric

4) Dab the fabric ends with fray check. This step is optional. The fabric I used does not fray, so I didn't use fray check.

Step 2. Add the beads and tie off

1) Insert one bead at a time through the casing. How many beads is up to you. I used 10 beads. Make sure the beads are centered in the middle of the casing.

2) With matching thread, wrap and tie off the end of the right bead.

3) Insert your needle under the fabric and pull the thread through. Try to get the needle through the fabric to the space between the next bead. If you are unable to pull the thread through in one big stitch, simply insert the needle back into the area it came out and work your way to the space.

4) Once the needle and thread have reached the space between the 2 beads, wrap the thread around the space. Wrap it nice and tight, then tie a knot to secure. Do not cut the thread.

5) With the needle still threaded, repeat the last 2 steps (3 & 4) to the end of the necklace. If you run out of thread, tie a knot to secure the thread. Begin where you left off with a new threaded needle.

Next we'll make the flowers. Before we begin, I must mention that the flowers look best when they are not perfect. I like the frayed edges and awkward folds, so try not to be perfect about the flowers.

Step 1 Cut fabric strip
1) Cut a 3/4" by 22" strip of fabric. The strip doesn't have to be 22" long - it's just a starting point. How long the fabric is will determine the thickness of the flower.
2) Fold the strip in half lengthwise and press.

Step 2 Roll the fabric to make the flower
1) Roll one end of the strip a couple of times. Anchor the roll by stitching the edge of the fold.

Good news! I have removed the chipped glitter nail polish after taking this pic.

2) Fold the fabric strip down in a 90 degree angle and continue to roll the bud (fabric roll) over the 90 degree fold.

3) Take another stitch to secure the bud.

4) Continue to fold and roll, alternating the direction you fold, to the end of the strip, or until you feel the flower is thick enough. If your flower begins to distort and the bud starts to poke out, smoosh it flat.
5) Once you have achieved the desired thickness, tie off your thread.

6) Make 2 more flowers of various sizes.

Step 3 Attach flowers to necklace
1) You can hand stitch the flowers to the necklace or you can do the following:
Arrange the flower cluster on a piece of felt. Make sure the felt is smaller than the flower arrangement and the same color as the necklace. Glue each flower to the felt (or hand stitch). Add a pin back and pin it to the necklace.

Here is another version...

With this necklace, I used smaller beads and wrapped the fabric around the beads as opposed to sliding the beads in a casing. Here's a great tute for this method. Also, I didn't hide the thread by sliding the needle under the fabric. Instead, I wrapped and pulled the thread to the next space and wrapped again. As you can see, rather than tying it in the back, I added another strand of beads and then hand stitch the ends together. After stitching the ends together, I wrapped the stitching with floss to make it pretty.

Here are 3 links to other flowers you may want to use for the necklace.
Fabric rose and peony
Rolled Roses see her side bar for the PDF


P.S. Please feel free to share your necklaces at Pretty Ditty Show and Tell flickr group.

October 20, 2009

Red Lipstick Shopping

This past Sunday, I had a sudden urge to buy some red lipstick. There's some sort of gravitational pull going on in the fashion world where everyone is wearing red lipstick, and I have succumbed to it. I can't remember the last time I wore red lipstick. I do remember going through a major brown lipstick with dark brown lip liner phase. Sometimes, I would even use brown eye liner, because the lip liner wasn't dark enough. Why do I admit these things? I do not know.

Anyways, red lipstick is something new to me. So, Sunday afternoon I rounded up the family for a trip to the mall. First, I went to ULTA to browse their make-up section. After grabbing a few red lipsticks I asked a sales lady to disinfect the lipsticks and then went to a mirror to sample them. At this time my husband and kids were in the restroom, which standard restroom time is about 10 minutes when my kids have to go. So there I was - alone, doing the best job I could to color within the lines. Just as I was finishing up with the last sample lipstick my husband came up behind me to let me know they were all finished with the restroom. I turned around and all of a sudden my entire family gasped. My husband, with a My gosh woman! What have you done?! look on his face, said "You look like our daughter when she plays with your make-up." "So you're saying I look young," I responded? Chuckling he said, "No. Not exactly." He was totally right. Errr! So I decided to go to Macy's and have a make-up artist help me out.

At Macy's, I went to the Bobbi Brown area where a lovely make-up sales lady sat me down (she must have seen the stained red smudged lipstick on me and felt bad) and gave me the 411 on red lipstick. She said to first apply the lipstick then clean up the edges with the lip liner. Normally, I do it the other way around. Ah-hah! She also said that the orange/red lipsticks tend to make a person's teeth look yellow, where as blue/red lipsticks help make teeth look whiter. "Hmm, let me think about which red I want... yellow teeth or white teeth? I don't know that's a tough one, but I think I'll go with blue/red." And we did...

I went with Bobbi Brown lipstick in Burnt Red.
It's funny how something as little as a new lip color can make you feel fresh and new. Kind of like a new hair cut.
I like it!
The necklace
This week I will post a tutorial on how to make the beaded fabric necklace I'm wearing in the pic. The tutorial uses a different necklace, but the method is basically the same. They're a lot of fun to make. Almost as much fun as wearing red lipstick =)



October 19, 2009

Paula Prass Fabric Sale

As the new fabrics begin to trickle into Phat Fabric, it's time to make way by having a sale. Until October 31st, Phat Fabric is having a 25% off Paula Prass Summer Soiree fabric sale (click here).

Now that's how a Monday should start!



October 16, 2009

HELLO brand new fabric!

I have some new fabrics to share with you all. The above fabric, appropriately named Hello, is from Alexander Henry fabrics. I've always been drawn to text fabrics and this one seems especially inviting.
Also part of the Alexander Henry family are...

Luca & Lorenza. This combo would make a great apron.
Happy colors = happy thoughts =)

Oh but wait! How about some home decor weight fabrics?...

It's A Hoot in brown and...

Black & White.
I'm trying to convince my husband that a couch reupholstered in black and white owl fabric is a good idea. Never mind the fact that we have 3 messy little shoog boogs. I say, "Live a little dangerously!"

Continuing with the new fabric, Robert Kaufman has some lovely owl Cool Cords fabric...

Espresso is part of the Cool Cords collection as well. This fabric is next on my list to use for a Bibury Capelet.

Lastly, and something different for Phat Fabric, are two new eco friendly Panda fabrics. One of the fabrics is a Panda Knit 180GM, which means it is 95% rayon made from bamboo and 5% from spandex. The other fabric is a white poplin fabric, also made from cotton and bamboo. Both fabrics are very soft. Here are the links to the Panda Knit 180GM and the white poplin.

All of the fabrics are available at Phatfabric.com (click here for the link)

Now I must test all of the fabrics. You know, to make sure they sew properly ;)
Enjoy your weekend!


October 14, 2009

Julia's Sweet Quiche Recipe

This past Sunday, I, along with my family, celebrated my Pop's 62 birthday.

62 years old and still surfing! I hope to say the same when I'm 62. This past summer my Pop taught both my sister and myself how to surf. It was scary, fun, and extremely hilarious. Memories I will forever keep close to my heart. There are pics, but they involve things like bathing suits, surfboards, and awkward body poses. So, I don't think I will be sharing them anytime soon. Plus, my sister would find a way to hack into my blog and destroy any evidence of the event =)

About the birthday party - my sister made an amazing quiche. I am not a quiche person... at all! However, Julia's quiche was different in a great way. It's sweet and has sausage, shortbread, yellow & red pepper, garlic, and all sorts of ingredients that when combined make for a yummy quiche. Not only did I have 2nds, but I had 3rds =0
Here's the recipe...

Julia's Sweet Quiche

1\2 red pepper
1\2 yellow pepper
1\2 red onion
1\2 lb jimmy deans maple sausage
1 shortbread pie crust {pre packaged}
1 tsp salt
1 tsp cummin
1 tsp pepper
1 tbsp minced garlic
1 tsp evoo {extra virgin olive oil}
1\2 cup of graded mozzarella
1\2 cup shaved Parmesan
5 eggs
1 cup half&half

Cook sausage for about 10 to 15 minutes at med/high on stove. Drain excess oil on plate with paper towel then cook red onion, garlic, salt, pepper, cummin, peppers (red and yellow) in evoo till lightly brown (about 10 to 12 min). Heat oven to 375. Wipe pie crust with an extra egg or egg white and bake pie crust for 5 to 10 min to brown slightly. Turn oven down to 325. In a large bowl mix eggs and cheese. Then add cooked maple sausage, peppers, and onions to bowl and mix. Pour all ingredients into the pie crust. Bake for 50 min or until center is done. Test with a toothpick.
Hope you enjoy!!!!!

The beautiful chef and my hair stylist.



October 9, 2009

Random mumbo jumbo

Any big plans this weekend? As for me it's all about soccer games, football games and hopefully a pumpkin patch visit. I'm feeling quite fallish these days. Last night, my daughter and I made those delicious pumpkin cookies I posted about last year. I also have a growing list of fall crafts I'd like to make, specifically these Martha Stewart Homespun Pumpkins. They are cute enough to leave up in the house after Halloween, because really that's what holiday decorating is all about for me. What can I leave up in the house for the next holiday =)


Parasol Craft Issue did a Kawaii theme issue which features an interview with me and several other Kawaii crafters. The magazine is an online mag and comes with several other Kawaii themed goodies, such as, a digi mini kit, embroidery templates, doll templates, and more. Here's the link if you're interested.

Have a wonderful weekend!


October 8, 2009

The Biburys are in the shop

The capelets are now available in the shop! They are fully lined and quite comfy. The elastic thread allows for arm mobility while staying in place. The thread has quite a bit of give.

Now that the capelets are up in the shop, it's time for me to focus on the pattern.



October 5, 2009

The Bibury Capelet

Here is one of the projects I've been working on - A capelet. I call the design The Bibury Capelet. It is named after a charming village in England. No, I've never been there, but I'm hoping a really kind elderly English lady from Bibury is reading this blog and quite possibly she is super delighted about the capelet. Even more, she is excited about the name, thus inviting me over for a 2 week stay in her quiet little cottage. Maybe?

Here is another Bibury Capelet...

My favorite feature about the capelet is the gathered Peter Pan collar.

The capelet is shirred with elastic thread, which allows it to expand and contract with your arms. One of the great things about working with elastic thread is that it pretty much guarantees a perfect fit!
Just in case plaid isn't in style this Thursday when I list the capelets, here's this one...

Ah, I don't know which one is my favorite. It changes from day to day. Right now, I like the last one, but boy I was stuck on the first one for awhile.
All of the capelets are fully lined and can be worn fastened all the up to the collar or partially fastened. There will be more detailed pics in each listing. I'll list the capelets on Thursday in my shop.

I love sharing new stuff with you all.

Thanks =)


P.S. A pattern is in the works too!

October 2, 2009

Textile show and plaids

And just like that it's Friday! This planet of ours must be rotating at a much faster rate than normal, or at least just for this week it did.

Yesterday, my mom and I went to the LA textile show. As always, it didn't disappoint. This time I made a few stops at some booths that I don't normally visit. I took a few risks with my buying and I'm excited to share my finds with you all in the upcoming months when the goods arrive. I also got a chance to visit The Fashion Bookstore located in the California Market Center. I'm glad I saved this for last, because I'm sure I never would have left the bookstore had this been my first stop of the day. Every design, craft, pattern drafting, draping, sketch, trend forecast book was in there. I can totally justify buying every single book I picked up. However, I exhibited extreme self discipline and waited until I got home to call the bookstore and order the books ;)

A not so surprising trend at LA Mart was all of the plaid. Is it just me or is plaid not looking particularly scrumptious this season? I've even seen plaid tights, which are not so scrumptious on me.
Above is a peek at one of my new designs for the shop. I've made four of them, three of which are made with plaid material. I can't convey how excited I am about this new "item". It's not an apron nor is it a dress. As soon as I get some pics, I'll post about it. I'm also working on another version of the design and when I'm all finished I'll do a shop update with the goods. I'm looking forward to sharing.

Have a great weekend!
