I'm filled with anticipation as I see the beginnings of the blossoms starting to form on my sunflowers. This one is the runt of the liter. The other 2 are too tall for me to photograph the buds. I would estimate them to be about 8 feet tall!!! Is that normal? Hopefully, when they bloom the weight of the blossoms will force them to drop so that I can admire the happy flowers.

1) My brothers band The Drowning Men just released their first full length album Beheading of the Song Bird, which is available on iTunes. When my brother told me the title I gasped. He then went on to say it was a metaphor for what he perceives is going on with the commercially produced music today and basically the death of it. Pfff. I totally knew that!
They are also going on tour to places like Portland, San Fransisco, and Seattle, so if you're interested check out their my space page for where they'll be playing.
2) Here's a link to an interview of my brother written by The San Diego City Beat.
3) I've added a search box (upper right side bar) to my blog. My labels are not exactly... exact, so now you can type in a specific word in the search box and Google will pull up all related posts from my blog.
3) Lastly, Phat Fabric is having a sale on all Echino sewing patterns, Threaded Pear Studio quilt patterns, and select Alexander Henry fabric. Here is the link.
Thanks for the heads up on the Drowning Men in Seattle!! I'm sure we'll be checking them out!
I do hope your sunflower blossoms without fear.
How exciting for your brother. Glad you explained the title of the album, it initially made me sad. Now, My frown is upside down.
Sunflowers are gorgeous...looking forward to yours bloom. :) Your brother is so talented...thank you for sharing it here with us. :)
Have a lovely merry happy day and love to you!
Lovely sunflowers, I didn't plant any this year because of lack of time, look forward to seeing yours.
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