May 16, 2008

An apron and a sore belly-button


Ta Dahhhhhh!

I can't tell you how much I enjoy working with Anna Maria Horner's fabric. It's very rewarding. I love working with big prints and colors that POP rather than colors that blend.

When I had finished taking pics of the apron I had a Doctor's appointment for a sore belly-button (I know, odd). I had been tolerating the soreness for a few days, until yesterday when I was sure I had felt a lump which led me to believe I had an inguinal hernia.
(Yes, I am one of those people that tend to self diagnose. My health field experience as an exercise therapist and personal trainer happens to make me informed enough to be dangerous when it comes to any strange pain.)
The good Doc checked my belly-button out, which to my relief was lint free (phew), and proceeded to tell me that I did not have a hernia, but rather an inflamed belly-button. Whatever! This sucker hurts! I know it has to be something more serious than an inflamed belly-button. I made him re-check what I was sure to be a lump. The funny thing is my Doctor is one of those "close talker," "long blinking" people (like 5 second blinks!). So, as he was re-checking my belly-button and frustratingly explaining to me that it was in fact an inflamed belly-button, I couldn't resist the opportunity to make a funny face during one of his loooooong blinks. I did and I got away with it the first time, but the second time he opened his eyes at the very last nanosecond of my funny face and paused. I'm pretty sure he caught it, because when he was making his notes at the end of the appointment he wrote unusually longer than normal. He probably wrote something like this: she exhibits odd behaviour - she is delusional in thinking that she is a Doctor - makes funny faces for no reason - Psychiatric evaluation recommend - not worth the $200 an hour I will bill her insurance.
How does one get an inflamed belly-button? I can only guess that the combination of my non-stop eating this past Mother's day weekend and wearing tight jeans created a recipe for an inflamed belly-button.



Pamelamama said...

you are hysterical. making faces while the dr blinks? I can't even believe how funny that is.

Pretty Ditty said...

I'm really glad you think it's funny and not scary =)

Anonymous said...

I would love to see that as a sun dress. I love this these designs.

viagra online said...

Well, it's a good dress but if you wear the wrong size clothes, you'll end up looking bigger than you are. Wearing clothes that are too tight leads to bulges and lumps, just as choosing clothes which are too large adds to your size and makes you look bigger. Don't be ashamed of yourself.

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