May 26, 2010

Book giveaway

The giveaway is now closed.  I will announce the winners tomorrow.  Thank you for playing!

Hey!  How about a book giveaway?  CT Publishing has graciously given me 2 Little Birds books to giveaway.

Who can enter?
Any and everyone.  International friends are more than welcome to enter.

Leave a comment telling me which project you want to complete first. Also, be sure to leave some sort of contact email, or you can email me if you are the winner. Two winners will be chosen through the random number generator.

The giveaway begins now and concludes on Tuesday June 1st.  I'll announce the winners on Wednesday the 2nd.

What projects?
The projects in the book are:
Little Bird Mobile 
Fancy Peacock
Stork With A Heart Mobile
Our Flock Embroidery
Tweet Birds Apron
Fred the Cardinal
Edward The Owl
Bird In A Cage
Little Round Bluebird
Bluebird Wallets
Mildred The Dove With Baguettes
Birds On A Wire Quilt
Embroidered Doorknob Ornament
Mid-Century Scrap Quilt
Pikku The Penguin
Garden Of Birds Embroidery
Bird's Nest Journal
Bird In A Nest
Little Birds Quilt
Owl Wallhanging
Wreath With A Bird
Bird On A Branch Makeup Bag
Chewy The Owl Ornament

Here's the book trailer again. You can view the projects in the order listed above.

Best of luck!



ByNightCreations said...

I just couldn't choose between the blue bird wallet and the Bird On A Branch Makeup Bag! his is a lovely book!

Wendymoon said...

Ooh, I love the fancy peacock and the cardinal! I wonder if my parakeet would like the birdhouse or if he would befriend the budgie? LOVE birds, hope I win! :-)

Anita said...

Our flock embroidery sounds like it would be a great on the go project.

Handbags*and*Pigtails said...

Oh my goodness, I am having the hardest time choosing just ONE. But one can only do one at a time right? So Id choose the bird on a perch makeup bag. Thanks for the chance!

christine said...

I loove Fred the Cardinal, but I think I'd complete the blue bird wallet first. I need a new wallet and I'm crazy about embroidery.

cbryan said...

I love love love the Fancy Peacock. She is darling.

Jenny said...

birds on a wire quilt for me! thanks for a chance.

kayerj said...

what a lovely book. I would start with the "birds on a Wire quilt"

Anonymous said...

I looked through it on your previous post and did not see one project that I didn't like. Seriously, it's such a fabulous book and I would love to win it. Totally awesome and thanks for this chance to own it.

The Blue Ridge Gal

Kelly O. said...

the birds on a wire quilt would be fabulous to make!

Bekah said...

I would love to make the Tweet Birds Apron... so excited about the book!

Katie said...

It's a tough call between the Little Round Bluebird and the Fancy Peacock.

Jennifer Ladd said...

I'd love to try the bird on a branch makeup bag!

jennifereladd at yahoo dot com

Mari said...

Oh my goodness...Really you want me to chose...I already have your Bird in a cage on my to do list, so that wouldn't count...I think I would try the bird in a wreath by Noor, It looks lovely for my little girls room!
Thx for sharing, and congratulations on the book!

Unknown said...

my son saw me looking and just asked for the fancy peacock, so I guess that'd be my first project...

RosaMaría said...

ohh is very hard pick one!! I'd love to try the Tweet Birds Apron..
many thanks! my fingers are crossed now!

Digital Misfit said...

I love them ALL! I have been looking forward to this book.
I would first try the fancy peacock, but definitely do all of the gorgeous embroidery pieces too.

Jenn said...

tough to choose but I think the birdhouse would be first... said...

I would probably make one of the little stuffed birds to put on our nature table--in a real birds nest we found. What a cute book!

katie said...

I think I'd make the birdhouse or the bird mobile first. They all look so cute though, it's hard to choose!

Luise said...

I would do the fancy Peacock!! Is just so cute!!

PumpkinP said...

The QUITS!! They look really cute.. I have been searching for cute quit and blank design for a while since my best friend just had a baby, and i want to make the little princess a warm gift:)
hope i can win!! email:

Cindy said...

I agree! So many cute ideas! I think I would have to start with the Little Round Bluebird just because it made me giggle out loud the first time I saw it. :)

ccneal at

Danna said...

Those are all adorable projects! I think the Little Bird Mobile would look cute in my daughters room.


Anonymous said...

I think I have to have that peacock pattern! :) ~Sam

Joelle said...

It is so hard to pick the First projects cause I would be making the WHOLE book! Maybe I would start with the first project and work my way to the last one. OR do Pikku The Penguin first cause my girls Love penguins! Thank you for the chance to win!


Lali said...

Mildred the Dove with Baguettes is a complete knockout for me...such cool giweaway, really, thank you!!!

jamie said...

birdhouse and bird mobile for sure! (Since I've already made your fabric birdcage, of course! :)

Sarah G said...

I like the little round bluebird the best! What a lovely book :)

Sarah0587 AT yahoo DOT com

Unknown said...

I'd have to say the garden of birds embroidered pillows, but then the makeup bag.

Anonymous said...

Little birds quilt! A girl can dream.. steph6467 @ q (dot) com

shimby said...

Okay if you twisted my arm and I had to pick one it would be Pikku the Penguin to make for my girls. Congrats on being in the book! I just got my Pretty Ditty apron pattern and I can't wait to start my apron:-)

Rhiannon said...

This looks like the most amazing craft book yet! I love all the projects, but I LOVE the fancy peacock, so that would be the first thing i'd make.

kanastasiak said...

my friend is due to have her baby next week so I would make the stork w/ a heart mobile first :)


I loove and would do first the Birds On A Wire Quilt,

suesueb said...

I love the bird on a branch makeup bag! I'd use it as a clutch!! Thanks for the chance!

Andi said...

I'd make the Fancy Peacock.

Jackie H said...

I would start at the beginning and make every single project through to the end. I LOVE birds right now (and I think everyone else does too...)

samone said...

Aww - too cute! Id lvoe to start at the beginning and work my way through. The wreath is very cute tho so perhaps Id give that a go first! Ok - maybe Id ask my mum to make it for me.
And thanks for letting us 'international folk' enter.

little love said...

Definately the Fancy Peacock - my 2 little girls loved it, so I'd have to make 2 of those first or I'd never get anything else done!

allie said...

Wow!! Fancy peacock for me!
It's just to cute not to make some of them. :)

V. said...

They are all lovely! A nice beginning would be Fred the Cardinal, awesome :)

mjb said...

I think that bird in a cage is pretty great.

Hillary said...

I would choose birds on a wire quilt first. Thanks!

The Glenns said...

Oh my gosh, "Wreath with a Bird" for sure, for sure! I love wreaths and always need a new one to greet me and friends/family when coming over! Thank you so much for this opportunity.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking the Birds on a Wire quilt sounds like me! :)

Kim W said...

I've always liked penguins. I think I'd have to make Pikku The Penguin first, then the little round bluebird. Such adorable projects!!!

Kim Ward

BananaCraft said...

Birds on a cage for me :)


miss starlene said...

Mildred the dove kills me! love her. But I also have a sweet spot for red work so the garden of birds is in the running for first.

Miranda said...

Ooooohhh. I love birds! I can't decide between one of the mobiles or the apron. Decisions, decisions!

Thanks for the opportunity to win this!

DNA said...

Hello! I couldn't make up my mind but I think I will start with the bird on a branch makeup bag! Its so cute!

Anonymous said...

These are terrific! The peacock is my favorite, but my little guy is crazy about Edward The Owl it is. Too cute.
saralaws at yahoo dot com

sarahbeth said...

i love little birds so much that i have 2 of them tattooed on me! i would do the bird's nest journal for my cousin's finance. they are getting married this summer and i am making a nest for the rings and the journal would be perfect to record all sorts of wonderful memories as we lovingly welcome her to our family!

Paula Lemos said...

I think it would be the Little Bird Mobile for my new nephew or niece.
Thanks for the giveaway!
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com

Anneke said...

i just can't choose between the makeup bag, mildred the dove or chewy the owl. they all seem so sweet and fun to make!

Emily said...

I love the Mid-Century Scrap Quilt!!

Sandra said...

Such a hard choice but I think I'm going to have to say the Budgie. said...

I would make Edward The Owl. He is so funny, and seems to have a crazy personnality !!!!

Lucie said...

Yes, bird on a perch makeup bag. Love it. Lucie (

Anonymous said...

It has to be Pikku The Penguin. I´ll make one for each of my chidren, nephews, nieces, my friends kids, my colleagues, kids passing by... I won´t be able to stop sewing that cute little thing!! Thanks. La Inglesita

Jessie said...

Fred the Cardinal. My girls love cardinals. For myself I would do the Tweet Birds Apron. My creative juices are flowing :)

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I would make the little round bluebird first, and would probably make variations on its size and different colours, it's just too cute.


April O. said...

Oh my, seriously? Where to begin! :) What an incredibly lovely book. My daughter and I just oohed, ahhed, and cooed over ALL of the projects on the book trailer.

We really want to win this so we can craft some cute little projects together.

Thank you for the chance!!

Murrell Family said...

I love the wreath...would be adorable in a nursery. Thank you for the opportunity to win the book! said...

Oooh, that Little Round Bluebird is just precious. I think he'd jump to the front of the pile of sewing waiting to happen! keedokes at gmail dot com

candice said...

definitely the bird in a nest!
my friends are expecting their first baby in the first week of july and their last name is birds!
this would be an ideal gift to make for them, and then one for me too ;)
thank you!

Graziela said...

I'd love all, but the Birdhouse is lovely.

cougcacher said...

I am a creative person, therefore one would think me crafty (I so want to be crafty.) Last summer I bought embroidery thread to make some tea towels, and some fabric to make a quilt, but I don't know where to go with those tasks next (but I have great ideas.) This book, and the chance to make the OWL WALLHANGING seems to be a nice marriage of the two projects that I'm nervous to start.

Anonymous said...

I would like to start by doing the blue peacock, it´s so cute!!!!. I love birds, and my house needs some craft decoration right now!!!!!

GoyaDesigns said...

Yay! A give away! I would like to do the little round bluebird (for my new niece), but I would love to make the Bird on a Branch Makeup Bag at the same time for myself.

KAREN said...


Anonymous said...

The tweet birds apron would be super cute.

sundaygirl at gmail dot com

DEBBIE said...

I too love the beautiful peacock...
Although as the projects are so beautiful... I probably would end up having a go at making them all.


Llamadile said...

I want to start with the bird mobilé! It looks wonderful!!!! I need it in my new appartment in Paris!

AND: if I like it I might make a few to decorate my wedding this summer!

So please, please pick meeeee!


ps: I'll e-mail you if I win
aaaand ps again: JAMIE I L.O.V.E. your blog! I read your posts every few days!!

esther said...

i can't choose between the owl wall hanging or the bird on a branch makeup bag. all the projects are so great!

Jill said...

I'm totally in love with the peacock! I hope I win!

Nicky said...

There are so many wonderful projects that I think there will be a few that I will be making but I am a sucker for owls so the first project I will be doing is Edward the Owl and friends.

Ali said...

There are so many cute projects, I don't think I can choose just one. But the Birds on a Wire Quilt and the Little Birds Quilt are adorable (especially the fabric choices). I also love the Bird on a Branch Makeup Bag. I can't wait to start crafting from this book for my little boy, my friends, and a maybe little for myself. ~Ali

Sascha said...

I love them all! Picking one is like choosing your favorite child. I guess I would make Peacock first.

Knofje said...

Yes please!

polka dots said...

so fun. my first project would be the bird mobile.

great give away.

Pretty Ditty said...

The giveaway is now closed. Thanks everyone for entering the giveaway. I will announce the winners tomorrow.

m said...

this book looks adorable!! I'm just writing a post on my blog about books on my wishlist and included it and I've linked back to your blog too. Hope it's created lots of business for you :o)