I'm very excited to write that the Hooded Scarf sewing pattern is finished and at the printer's as I type. Yippee! The pattern includes instructions and full size pattern pieces for 5 different Hooded Scarves: Basic Hooded Scarf, Ruffle Hooded Scarf, Drawstring Hooded Scarf, Pleated Hooded Scarf, and Cat Ear Hooded Scarf. I always like to include a lot of illustrations in all of my patterns and this one is no exception. There's also a glossary of terms, a metric conversion chart and tips on how to sew with knits. The sewing tips are written for the sewer who does not have access to a serger, and instead sews with a home sewing machine. I also give tips on how to sew a knit to a woven fabric.
Here's the back cover...

There are two sizes- adult (ages 10 & up) and child (ages 4 to 9).
The pattern is available for pre-sale in my fabric shop Phat Fabric. Here is the link to the pattern. I expect to receive the patterns by next Friday 3/19/10
***Shop Owners***
If you are interested in carrying my sewing patterns and/or Peg Doll Kit in your shop (online or brick & mortar), you can download the wholesale info and order form at www.jamiechristina.com. Go to the wholesale tab and click on the pdf icon.
Thanks for all of your encouragement with the pattern. It's good to know what you want to see as a pattern.
Have a great weekend!
Congrats on another great pattern. I admire what you did here because hoods can look rather "elfish" rather quickly and your pattern looks stylish and fun. Perfect for Portland days.
Yay for the pattern! I can't wait for it to arrive all the way down here. And with New Zealand going into its winter this is going to be perfectly timed! :D
Sarah - Thank you very much! I can't tell you how many times I drafted and re-drafted the pattern so that it wouldn't look "elfish."
b34r.girl - Thank you! I hope to visit your beautiful country some day =)
How exciting!
I know you must feel so proud. Great work!
How great! I had seen these hooded scarves on your blog before and just thought how great they were and that I would love to sew some myself! I'll go and check the pattern now.
greetings from malaysia!
hi i heart the hooded scarf as well. I have already place an order for the pattern. Was thinking to buy the scarf also, but only 1 available in your etsy store. Any chance for you to sew more hooded scarf? Would love to buy, i love this http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_IFTkvZRCqQQ/S3CdXeuQt6I/AAAAAAAABus/LSPJGqJLR0I/s1600-h/bscarf.jpg and the green scarf"fern"
Nice pattern for a hooded scarf . I think i am going to gift one of these to my fiance.
this will be perfect to the next winter, adn you give me a excellent idea, maybe I gonna make one of this, but in red color, you know I was thinking in play the roll of the big bad wolf, and of course my girl as red riding hood jajajaja...I just kidding.
This will not really work, I think like this.
For my part every person ought to go through it.
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