And I wonder why I don't find yoga very relaxing. Yes, this is where I attempt to find a happy place while doing yoga. The only staging done here was moving the machine gun off my mat to take the picture. To add to the serene environment, my 3 little shooga boogs often sit on the couch and evaluate every yoga position I attempt to do from my Firm yoga DVD. The other day, while in some ungodly yoga pose, my daughter asked me, "Why do you always do the beginner's way?" My oldest son followed with, " Yeah mom! You can do better!" And before I knew it my kids where hooting and hollering, "Come on mom you can do it!" And chanting, "MOM-MEE! MOM-MEE! MOM-MEE!" All the while, due to my upside down-ness at the time, I noticed all of the dirt scattered throughout my tiled living room floor. Then there's the faint peaceful music playing in the background with the yoga instructor saying things like, "Focus on your breathing" and "you'll thank me later for this."
I just can't seem to find that quiet, serene, happy place when attempting yoga =)
I just can't seem to find that quiet, serene, happy place when attempting yoga =)
When my Hubby places a mat on the floor to do a few stretches it never fails that he ends up with a 100 lb. rottweiler in his face that makes him laugh and then it's all over with... relax? nah Or sometimes the rott just sits his 100 lb butt down on the mat. Try to exercise around that! LOL
That's so funny. My kids do the same thing to me.
You made me laugh out loud, and then i remembered this video http://myfirstfail.com/2009/07/20/funny-baby-photos-yoga-opportunist/comment-page-1/
This is soo cute and funny. :) I think my sister has the same problem too! :) Have a lovely merry happy day and love to you!
I think you burn more calories if you are not totally focused. Does that make you feel better? :)
Good point! I feel much better =)
i recently started practicing yoga again. and you perfectly described the madness that is trying to breathe and locate your center with kids in the house! it seems every time i throw my legs back to do the plow i am plowing into a little boy or a cat. i finally learned my lesson and now wait until they are out the door to school. at least they are interested in your success, yes? :0)
Oh, this post sounded so familiar!! It made me laugh. Perhaps you should try yoga at midnight?
sorry to laugh but it is quite comical
one of our household yoga mats is covered in curry stains as it doubles as a great tablecloth when eating off the floor
naughty i know
Hilarious! My kids just come sit on me when I do Pilates. Right on my stomach. 4,3, and 10 months. Love it!
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