The other day, I decided that we (my youngest and I) would take a little trip to Michaels craft store and stock up on some beads, embroidery floss, buttons, and other little crafty things. The following was my conversation with my little guy (3 years old)...
Me: Hey, lets put our shoes on and go to Michaels.
Little guy: We going to Michael's house?
Me: No, we're going to Michaels the craft store.
Little guy: A crap store???
Me: No, no, no! A crafffft store.
Little guy: Oh! What is in a craP store?
Me: It's craffft store and they have paint, paper, color pencils, and all sorts of crafts.
Little guy: They have crap there?!
Me: It's craaa..... You've been talking to your father haven't you? I bet he told you to say that about my store didn't he? Come on. Let's go buy some crap.
Little guy: We going to Michael's house?
Me: No, we're going to Michaels the craft store.
Little guy: A crap store???
Me: No, no, no! A crafffft store.
Little guy: Oh! What is in a craP store?
Me: It's craffft store and they have paint, paper, color pencils, and all sorts of crafts.
Little guy: They have crap there?!
Me: It's craaa..... You've been talking to your father haven't you? I bet he told you to say that about my store didn't he? Come on. Let's go buy some crap.
Ha ha! My husband "mis" pronounces it "crap", too! As in, "where are you putting the crap cabinet?" Or, "You're going to Michaels to buy crap?" :)
teehee, that is cute. My son also thinks we are going to someone named Michael's house.
oh that's too funny! My dad is the same way when me and my mom go to Michael's or Hobby Lobby.
I think most of that reason is because he's supplying the money for the "crap" we're purchasing.
Too Cute!
I got a good laugh out of that one, seeing as how my boys (10 and 13) groan when I say we're heading to the craft store! I don't even take my husband with me any more. He thinks it's fun to pull a "blue light special" announcement in the middle of Hobby Lobby. At the top of his voice... "Attention Hobby Lobby shoppers, there is a sale on sewing thread on aisle 5!" Ugh - embarrasing!
hilarious! thanks for the giggle!
That's too funny.
Those are the best conversations. My son is just now starting to correct some of his mispronunciations by himself and it is a little sad. I do Wuv him so!
You have to admit (and I go to Michael's a few times a week for work supplies)Michael's does have a lot of crap too.
yours, nicole
So funny... that is what my husband calls the craft store too!
hahahahahaha, thanks for making me laugh this morning. Laughed out loud I did :)
the same conversation recently happened in my house...except it was my 3-something husband saying "crap." i finally agreed to call it crap and move on!
Jamie this is sooo cute and soo funny! I couldn't stop laughing. Thank you so much for making me laugh and making this a good start of the day for me! Have a lovely merry happy day dear friend and love to you!
Thanks for laughing with me. It's good to know I'm not the only one with family members who call it that =)
oh too funny! -kb
The answer to that question really is debatable, isn't it?
Loved the interchange!
That is too cute!
Very funny! My not so little ones don't even have a dad around to put ideas in their heads and they still give me heaps about all my crrr...aft stuff.
Thanks for the laugh, Jamie! I get the same reaction around here, pretty much. It's less expensive than Xanax, though. ;)
I'm still giggling..... that's so funny!
Oh my goodness that is the funniest story EVER! I love it! I have 4 kids and if I could remember all the times I had a conversation like that as they were growing up and into their words I'd be sitting pretty. Thanks for making my day!
That's too cute. When we remodeled I got a craftroom. I've never gotten things unpacked and organized in there and now it is known as the "Crap room"!
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