Don't be so quick to throw away your selvage, because you could make this......

Yes, Jodi's entire dress is made of selvage. For those of you who don't sew, "selvage (or selvedge) is the uncut edge of the fabric which is on the right- and left-hand edges as it comes out of the loom. As such it is 'finished' and will not fray because the weft threads double back on themselves. The term also refers to the unfinished but structurally sound edges of flat knitted textiles." Thank you Wikipedia. In sewing and quilting classes, we the students are told to cut and throw away the selvage, as if it is some worthless piece of scrap;) Well, now we have reason to save that little scrap and turn it into something more meaningful like clothes:) You'll have to check out Jodi's blog to view her other selvage creations (click here to view the process) and as if Jodi's blog isn't enough inspiration, there is a selvage flickr group as well. I have already started on my selvage project.

I'm not sure if it's going to be a capelet or a purse. I'm really in a capelet mood, being as I just won a vintage capelet pattern on ebay the other day. On the other hand, I'll use the purse more. We shall see.
Wow, that dress is stunning!
I can't wait to see your selvage project when it's complete, though. Basing my judgment on your gorgeous aprons, I'm sure it will be stunning, as well!
Hope you're having a beautiful day!
i saw this dress on whipup and couldn't believe the attention to detail.
a capelet would be quite nice. you'll have to keep us tuned in. :)
I think I'm going to make a purse out of the selvage scraps and make a capelet out of another fabric. I don't think I have enough patience to sew enough selvage for a capelet =)
Can't wait to see the purse.
Beautiful dress, I'd like my wife wearing a dress like that because she looks so sexy and fresh, I like the way the dress waving with the wind.m10m
what beautiful dress, the model looks so beautiful,I think that this kind of clothes are so beautiful! thanks for sharing bye bye!
This will not really work, I think like this.
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