July 22, 2010

The Sunny Day Dress and Skirt Cover is...

Cover #1!!!

Oooh...I know a bunch of you thought it was #3. Ah...but it's not.  I too was torn between cover #1 and #3.  Cover #3 captured the feeling of a sunny day, plus Frances (the model) looked so happy and natural riding a bike with the dress on.  However, I felt cover #1 showed the dress the best.  Who knows, maybe I'll print #3 for the reprint.  Or, I may use it for the web.  It really was a difficult choice, which is a good predicament to be in.  I liked the 2nd cover, because if you noticed, it showed off the lining option for the dress.  For Cover #2 I used a nylon netting for the skirt lining which added fullness to the dress. I'll write more about the pattern in a bit, but first let's announce some winners.  If you chose correctly you were entered twice for the giveaway.

And the winners are...
Maddy Maze Stutdios (said... I'm going for #1. I really think that's it)
Belinda (said... Option 2 is my guess!)
Sapo Verde (said... I think you chose option #1 for the cover. It really features the dress nicely.)

Congratulations winners!  I will contact you for your shipping info.  

About the Dress
The dress is based off of my Pretty Ditty Apron pattern.  The top is a halter top with neck straps that tie behind the neck. However, you could sew a couple of buttons to the back of the waistband and criss cross the neck straps to the back and button them down.  That too would look good!  The skirt is gathered and the back of the waistband is gathered with elastic.  The dress is backless and the bodice covers beyond the side seams, which makes the dress comfortable to wear.  You can also wear it with a tank or form fitting t-shirt just as you would with an apron.  Very versatile!

 About the pattern
Something new that I constructed with this pattern print job is that the instructions and illustrations are in a booklet form. The booklet also includes a page for adding notes such as modifications and such.

Other highlights
~ There are plenty of detailed illustrations for the visual learners.
~ A Glossary
~ Options such as: 
adding waist ties
adding trim to the waistband
lining the entire dress
a pretty darn cute skirt option.    

Of course after the pattern was made, I discovered that by cutting off most of the skirt I could make a top too out of the pattern.

I added the running stitches to the waistband before I added the waist ties.  Here's the back...

You can see what the pattern looks like with a tank under it.

  The sizing chart located on the back of the pattern helps direct you by simply finding your size on the chart and following that column down to locate the fabric requirements. 

The pattern is now available in my shops - Jamie Christina, Phat Fabric, and Pretty Ditty.  Also, be sure to check out my list of shops that carry my patterns (link).  

I will share more pics from the shoot and write about all who were involved with the shoot soon.  It was a lot of fun and I am so thankful to everyone that participated with this project.

Happy creating!



  1. I really liked cover #1 as well! Good choice! I love the dress! I will have to remember this pattern!

  2. Thank you. I love your patterns. I am so excited to have won this newest addition!

  3. Maddy Maze Studio - Congratz! I can't seem to find an email for you. You can email me at apronstreet@yahoo.com.

    Thank you!

  4. So excited to of been selected as a winner! Your pattern looks fantastic and the top & skirt options are great. Thank you!!

  5. I am so in love with this new pattern ~ so cute and yet sexy! A must have! All the covers are really pretty but i do adore 2nd cover more coz i did notice the lining. :) Congratz to the lucky winners! I will be visiting you at your lovely shop soon! Have a lovely merry happy day and love to you!

  6. I could see why u were torn between the 1st and 3rd cover. I knew u would do a gr8 job with your pattern. Congrats to all the winners.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. I saw really much useful information above!


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