July 26, 2010

New fabric and Anna Maria Horner fabric sale

Before I jump into the fabric news, I need Maddy Maze Studio to email me at apronstreet@yahoo.com to collect your Sunny Day sewing pattern prize.  Thank you =)

New fabric at Phat Fabric...

Echino Bike

Nani Iro - Fuwari
This is the fabric I used for the modified Sunny Day Top.

AND 30% off Anna Maria Horner Voile fabric (link).  Ooh la la!



  1. Sabrina wants me to make her a bike, basket liner. I'm gonna show her the first fabric and see if that works for her. Your patterns r very cute. I might just get brave enough to try making one of your creations. I'm still not very confident with my sewing.


  2. Here, I do not actually imagine it may work.


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