March 29, 2010

A new etsy shop and a contest

Guess who has an etsy shop?  My pop!  His shop is called By The Sea Benches (link).  I am so excited for him!  He makes stand alone benches, hanging benches, tables, and beach themed wall decor.   It's fun to talk to him on the phone, because his head is swirling with new creations.  In the past, he always viewed his profession as a job, but now it's his art.  It's always a thrill for me when I get to see someone else thrive with the creative energy that comes when they discover that everyone has the ability to create. Creating isn't regulated to the few who create in the classic profession of artwork.  The enjoyment is available for us all.  We just may not get paid as much as they do =)

Assuming that most of you create through sewing, you may be interested in a sewing contest.  The contest is called Spring Top Week and it's hosted by Made By Rae.  Here is a link to the details.  I don't believe Rae has announced the prize package yet, but I know it's going to be good.  Phat Fabric is donating a pattern and a Phat Fabric gift certificate to the winner along with other sponsored gifts.  The contest is May 1st through the 7th, so get to sewing =)

This contest has a personal affinity for me, since I'm a judge for the contest. I believe my task at hand is to help narrow down the entrants with a yes or no vote and then the final vote will be a public vote.  Sounds easy enough; however, I was kind of hoping to be able to have a cheesy saying like, "This top made the cut," or if I had to get all Simon Cowell then I would say, "You are hanging on by a thread."  I guess I'll have to settle with a yes or no vote.  Seriously, I'm really looking forward to viewing all of the works of art.

Have a great day!



  1. I am so excited for your dad. I agree about art coming in all forms. I have been missing my jewelry making since I began working outside the home. Over Spring break I started making some handmade beads. Can't wait to make jewelry out of them then post it.

  2. Cool Pop! I love those wall hooks!


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