March 23, 2010

Echino laminate apron for a hair cut

Finally, I got a chance to cut into the new Echino laminate fabric for a good cause.  This week I have a hair appointment with my little sis (the hairstylist).  To make sure we get off to a good start, I will come bearing gifts for the lady...

Me like-y the shiny.

Here's the back...

Due to the laminate coating, it was a little difficult to work with.  My feed-dogs and sewing foot had a hard time feeding the fabric through my sewing machine.  However, this was only when I was sewing the pockets to the laminate fabric.  When I stitched the pockets, I folded the raw edge under and therefore was stitching with the laminate side facing up.  My sewing foot just couldn't seem to get a good grip on the laminate fabric.  Normally, when sewing with laminate, you would stitch bias binding to the raw edges.  I thought I could get away with just folding the raw edges under, but I thought wrong. After battling the pockets, I decided to make and stitch bias binding to the apron's raw edges that I had originally intended to turn under. In contrast, when I made the Damask apron, the Michael Miller laminate fabric was a breeze to sew with.  The laminate coating on the Michael Miller fabric is not as sticky (for lack of a better word) as the Echino laminate. I was able to turn the raw edges under and my sewing machine didn't mind stitching with the laminate fabric side facing up.  So, once I figured out that I needed to add bias binding to the raw edges of the Echino laminate, the rest of the apron was a joy to make.  I must say that I love the shininess of the Echino laminate fabric! It's well worth the extra sewing step of adding the bias binding.

Next, we'll see how my hair turns out.  I don't intend to do anything drastic, but sometimes when I'm sitting in the waiting area and I begin to flip through the hair books, I start to get a little delusional in my decision making. I begin to think to myself that I too can look like that really cute blonde European model with the pixie hair cut.  When in fact I can't, because a pixie cut makes me look like a boy, and not a cute boy at that.  I vividly remember 2nd grade and the kid that came up to me on the playground and asked, "Are you a boy or a girl?"  I looked at him and said, "I have earrings in my ears.  Duh!"  Darn that Mary Lou Retton hair style.


Update - In the comments section of this post, SilverLining Designs suggested using silicone spray and/or a  teflon foot when sewing with laminates.  Great tip!
Another update - I just got off the phone with a Viking Sewing machine rep (very nice lady I might add) and she recommended taping scotch tape to the bottom of the foot.  


  1. this is the coolest apron i've ever seen! your sister is going to freak out!
    hope you got a damn good haircut ;)

  2. Jamie - All you need to do is get some silicone spray or a teflon foot for your machine - then it will breeze through the fabric.

  3. Adorable apron! I love the way you designed the back.
    I too was asked if I was a boy or a girl as a child. I was wearing a bikini at the time. Uggh!

  4. Silverlining Designs - Thank you so much for that tip. Laminate fabric is a new thing for me to sew with, so I appreciate any advice. I've added your tip to the blog post. Thanks again.

    Spendid things - I feel your pain =)

    Mel - Thank you!

  5. I've used a bit of painter's tape on the bottom of the presser foot and that worked really well in a pinch!

  6. Wow that is very cool, your sister is one lucky lady!

  7. I hated it when kids mixed up my gender!!! What? Can't a girl have short hair?!!! Geeez louise! ;)

    P.S. the apron is amazing!!!! And looks so, so, wipeable!

  8. Jamie-

    I use my walking foot when I work with laminates and I don't run into any problems. If you happen to have one...try it out! You might like it.

  9. Yeah, you're right because it's glamorous dress and I would love to buy it. Its colors, forms and fabrics are brilliants. 23jj

  10. It can't succeed in fact, that's what I believe.


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