February 23, 2010

Secret sale & new Alexander Henry fabric

New Willow fabrics by Alexander Henry fabrics. They all go together so nicely.

The last one is called Alamandas. Beautiful colors! Here is the link to the new fabrics.

Yes, I'm having a secret sale at Phat Fabric. I suppose that's what you call it when only people with the secret code can get the discount. However, I'm not sure it's such a secret being as I'm blogging about it. Anywho, the sale is for 20% off Anna Maria Horner's new fabric line Little Folks, including her voile solids. And the secret code is... anna. Bet you didn't see that one coming. Simply enter the code anna at checkout and the discount will be applied to your Anna Maria fabric order. The code will expire March 6th. Here is the link to Anna Maria Horner's fabrics.

Lastly, the photo shoot that took place on Sunday for the Hooded Scarf went great! The weather was perfect for the shoot - no rain, yet not too sunny. I'll share some pics later on this week. Until then, cheers!



  1. So beautiful! I thinking about what things I want to make in that fabric! Thanks for letting us in on a sale!

  2. Gorgeous fabrics and im loving that Alamandas!! So happy the sunday photo shoot went really well! Looking forward to read and see all about it! Oh and thanks for letting us in on the sale! Have a lovely merry happy day and love to yoU!

  3. That last fabric is sooo pretty. It makes me happy. Is it quilting weight or home decor stuff.

  4. Hey Gloria! It's a quilting weight. Thanks =)

  5. Nice fabrics thanks for share, I guess that I need new curtains.

  6. Really useful information, thanks so much for the article.

  7. The Alamandas one looks fantastic, I really really like it. Thank you for this post a lot!


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