February 19, 2010

Photo shoot

Happy Friday everyone!
So right after I posted about my daughters brightness, she came out of her room with florescent rainbow striped knee highs on. The knee highs were accompanied with a black dress over cut off shorts. And I was totally cool with it. Growth!

This Sunday is the cover photo shoot for the hooded scarf. Yippee! Yippee not only because the pattern is almost finished, but because I'm not in the shoot AND I have a photographer for the shoot. So I get to be the director of the shoot. I think I'll wear a beret and drink coffee through out the shoot. I am so excited about it.
It's supposed to rain everyday except Sunday, so please pray the weather guy is right. I will take pics of the event and share them with you all next week.

Happy weekend!



  1. I'm really digging these black and white detailed patterns! I have a Guess coat that's a similar pattern to the last picture! Have a great weekend!

  2. How exciting for you. wow! I am amazed at how the Lord has been growing your business. Coffee up!

  3. hi,
    i just wanted to leave a comment and let you know i've been following your blog and love it.
    its really unique and a breath of fresh air!!


  4. Dearest Jamie, your daughter is fashionable. :) How exciting about the cover photo shoot for your hooded scarf! I hope it went really good and you had a great time! Looking forward to read and see all about it! Have a lovely merry happy day and love to yoU!

    p/s: Wishing you a paws-perity year of the tiger! Happy chinese new year!


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