February 26, 2010

The adventure and mishaps of Shoog cont..

The Shoog is not holding up to her end of the truce. She has a major shoe addiction that Sour Apple cant help.

UGH! Do you know how hard it is to find cute black and white striped heels that don't look too Tim Burton-ish?

This one really hurt. So much so, that I can't bring myself to throw them away. I think I'm going to try black electrical tape to hide some of the inflictions. I'll let you know if it works.

Another Shoog story...
Last night, while watching Survivor, my youngest noticed the Shoog acting strange. "What Shooger doing?" he asked, and we all quickly turned to see what my 3 year old was talking about. Sure enough, it was strange alright. The Shoog was trying to... umm... lets see... how should I put this- BREASTFEED from my French Mastiff! Now, in the Shoog's defense, my mastiff's umm... lets see... how should I put this...udders... are abnormally large. Seriously! We've had kids come over to visit and wonder where the puppies are. When seeing Hanna (the mastiff) they've asked, "So why does your dog have udders?" I assume that the Shoog must have likewise noticed them and had a flash back to when she was with her mother. Instinct just kicked in. We had a good laugh, separated the two dogs, sprayed Sour Apple on the udders and went back to watching Survivor. Just joking about the Sour Apple, but it's not a bad idea.

Happy weekend!



  1. Bad dog! But that face must get you everytime! Love your blog. Makes me smile every time. Thanks!

  2. Our kids have a two year old female Boxer. She has not had pups and her udders are huge too. Never seen this in any dog breed before.... looks strange!

    BUT, she's an absolute sweetheart of a doggie.

    The Blue Ridge Gal

  3. Yikes! I spelled udders as utters. Oh well- I don't live on a farm. What a ding bat =)

    Thanks Snappy Di, because I noticed your spelling was correct.

  4. Our Viva has a shoe fetish too. I've saved some of the destroyed shoes hoping I can miraculously fix them one day.

  5. Shoog is soo adorable and naughty. That black and white striped heels is gorgeous...could the shoe repair shop help you fix it? Hope you are still having a lovely merry happy sunday. Love to you!

  6. but how could anyone get angry at him? look at that face!
    I hope you don't mind, I have added one of your tutorials to my 100+ fat quarter tutorials post, thank you for sharing :o)

  7. Yikes, not the shoes! I saw a wonderful pair of blk & wht sriped shoes at DSW with a red heel. Check it out. I nearly bought them. Good luck with the Shoog. Chewing is just part of the breed. My brother's bull dog chewed baseboards, car bumper, and the legs of his table & chairs.

  8. liking the new header! we are in a similar boat with our puppy! He doesn't like shoes?! But, has eaten Aaron's inhaler and ovaltine recently! Yikes.

  9. Oh, those shoes! I would cry. Maybe you could take them to a shoe-place and have them repaired? If your efforts with tape don't work, that is... ;)

    Shoog is so cute though

  10. I know I should not laugh-those shoes are gorgeous-but he is so cute how could you be annoyed-

  11. Oh my what a naughty cutie!! I started reading your blog, because your sewing is so inspirational,but now I find my self checking in to see what your cute Shoog is up to as well ;-)I just can't resist those eyes!!! (I admit I have a weakness for that look...last summer I somehow ended up with a man hating Rottweiler that no one else wanted...but I just couldn't resist.. and now I'm so happy I didn't as she turned out to be the cutest and kindest dog ever, with a little guidance on her behaviour ;-))

  12. loving your blog and beautiful work and adorable dog! this story made me smile, but i am quite sad for your shoes ;-)

  13. They can be a real disaster for shoes, but they are such adorable creatures, I had one a few years ago and wow it is an amazing pet, I now have a "boxer".


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