June 14, 2011

My dope new shoes!

I'm told this is what all the cool kids are wearing now a days.  No?

Seriously, I love my new running shoes (Vibram fivefingers).  There's been quite a lot of press lately on barefoot running and I had to give it a try.  I suppose my barefoot running curiosity began many moons ago when I worked at a clinic called The Egoscue Method.  It's then that I learned that we are all designed to run barefoot and that it's the shoes that give us problems such as plantar fasciitis, strained ligaments, and back pain.  Their belief is that the body is designed to have a natural S curve and if you look at a toddler before he/she starts wearing shoes you will see that the child has a natural S curve.  Of course you have to take into consideration the way we live now compared to the "hunter and gatherer days" is a more sedentary lifestyle and certainly that plays a huge role in losing the S curve.  However, I am willing to try to re-train my running stride to help eliminate common ailments that may occur due to shoes.

I have had these for about 1 month and so far so good.  Actually, I feel better post run than when I had shoes.  My heels aren't sore and I'm not as fatigued.  I've shortened my stride so that I have mid foot strike rather than heel strike.  I also try to land gracefully rather than "thudding" as I run.  Consequently, my pace is slower now, so other than a bruised ego the shoes are great for me.  I've even stopped shaving my arm pits...
just joking =)




  1. I'm so jealous! I want to try these but they are so expensive. I wish I could try them out and decide if I like them.

    Very cool!

  2. Yes, they are expensive. My husband had a gift certificate for REI and couldn't find anything he likes, but I did =)

  3. so awesome!!! I have tried them on and almost couldn't leave without them! they made my feet SO HAPPY!

  4. Hey Girlie, thanks for clarifying the coupon deal on shabby apple. Happy Wednesday, and I guess Happy Feet ;}


  5. Hello...
    Your blog is very nice. Please keep posting. Thank you...

  6. hi jamie... i LOVE barefoot running too! i was not ever a "shoe" runner so i didn't have to transition, but i'm glad you are doing it. it's so much better for you and yes, the way we are meant to run. (i'm sure you've read "born to run"?) anyway, for those wanting to try it and not ready to invest the money in "barefoot shoes", try these: www.zemgear.com. it is what i wear and is just like running in a pair of socks, basically. soooo comfortable, and very inexpensive. some of us here in albuquerque are running the las vegas rock n' roll marathon in december (down the strip at night!)... maybe i'll see you and your cute toes there!
    love portia (perdoozy)

  7. I would love to go! Although, I don't think I can run a marathon yet. I'll make it my goal! Thanks for the link to zemgear. Good to know =)

  8. I got my man a pair for fathersday and he loves them!
    My son says they are "duck shoes" sorry they are ugly!
    But he loves them and is so making me want to try. I just don't know if I can go from the heavy shoes I use now for my runs to almost nothing, I'm a baby! and do NOT want my knees to start hurting again! sigh You are not helping me stay away from them here!

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