February 7, 2011

Phat Fabric News

You may have noticed that I haven't restocked any of Phat Fabric's inventory for some time now.  You also may have noticed that all of the fabrics have been on sale for the past couple of months and will remain on sale until all of the fabric is gone.  The reason for this is because I will be parting ways with Phat Fabric... sort of.  

This transition is a bitter sweet moment for me. Bitter since Phat Fabric is like my first born of this fabric/design world that I am now a part of.  It's sweet because the reason I'm parting ways has to do with the growth of my sewing patterns. They have taken up most of my work time, which is why in order to manage my time better I will be handing Phat Fabric over to my mom.  Yes, that too is sweet!   My mom will soon own the business, so I'll still have some access to the fabrics.  Plus, she's who I go to when I have questions about fabric.  Currently she runs Lil Urchin Fabrics, but soon she will move all of her fabrics to Phat Fabric and make it her own home.  

I anticipate the transfer of ownership to happen in about a month.  In the mean time, click on over and see if there are any fabrics you fancy, because all fabrics are on sale until they're gone. 

As for my Jamie Christina sewing patterns, I am thrilled to announce that they've been picked up by 3 distributors: Clotilde, United Notions, and The Pattern Peddlers.  If you are a retail store and purchase from a distributor, be sure to ask if they carry Jamie Christina sewing patterns.  I sure do appreciate it =)

More pattern news...I'm working on a new sewing pattern that is my most favorite of all!  Seriously!  No, it's not another apron pattern.  It's something that I will probably wear all Spring and Summer long.  It's perfect for a lazy day.  I'll leak some sneak peeks as I get closer to publishing it. 




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