January 7, 2011

Balboa Island

Happy 2011!
A new year already?!  I haven't even found the time to make any New Year's resolutions yet. However, I do want to reorganize this blog.  I'd like to try some new layouts and add a tutorial page with all of my tutorials nicely organized into categories.  So just a heads up that things may look a little weird around here for a wee bit or at least until I figure out what the heck I'm doing.


During the Christmas break my family and I went to Balboa Island.  It was a beautiful day to say the least.
Yep that guy is trunkin it while paddle boarding in December.

An artist painting.

A house ready for Santa.

A ferry ride to the other side of the Island.  Ferry rides make me nervous due to a horrible experience I had on a water taxi in Lofland once.  Long story short it almost tipped over into the water.  It doesn't sound that scary, but at the time it was dark and stormy on the river.  Not cool!

Hooray we made it to the other side!

What is it about Ferris wheels that make them so interesting?

Newport Pier at sunset.

Then we had to go back onto the ferry.  OH NO!

Thankfully we made it back to land and continued to tour the brightly lit homes for Christmas.  I hope you all had a lovely Christmas.




  1. I was on a ferry to Zanzibar once when one of its two engines died. We spent two hours puttering in a circle on rough seas, and I (who have never before nor since gotten seasick, even in storms) wanted to die to get away from the nausea.

    So almost flipping? I can't imagine how terrifying that would be.

  2. 2 hours in rough seas!!! I think you have me beat =)

  3. I love the picts. I was blessed enough to call Balboa Island my home during high school & I miss it dearly! Thank you for sharing, I think I'll have to take a trip down Main Street tomorrow.

  4. Dearest sweet jamie, HAPPY NEW YEAR! So glad to hear your new year is off to a good start and your vacation photos are gorgeous! I too have not found the time to make a list for my 2011. :) Wishing you LOVE and JOY this new year sweet friend! Have a lovely merry happy weekend and love to yoU!

  5. What a sweet way to spend Christmas! The sunset shots were stunning.

    Happy New Year!!

  6. One of my favorite places....you got some great pictures!!

    Happy New Year!!

  7. I haven't made it to Balboa yet, but I'd love to go and see it through your sweetly creative lens! Maybe one of these days.

  8. Wow!!Amazing photography.I love your photography.I love House ready for santa picture.Awesome work for Christmas.


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