July 29, 2010

Shoog the terrorizer

Moments before the above photo was taken...

She does this every morning if I don't give her a bone to chew on.  She never actually bites into the couch.  It's more of a threat.  She's basically saying, "This is what I'm capable of doing if you don't pony up the bone."  Since I have big plans to reupholster this couch, I hesitate in giving her the bone and calling her bluff.  She would save me time in tearing off the fabric.

The other day I had to take Shoog to the Vets for a spider bite.  While sitting in the waiting room, I noticed a poster on the wall that said the following...

Why dogs are better than kids
1) They eat less.
2) They get their hair cut exactly as you want them to.
3) If they get pregnant you can sell their babies.

They make a compelling argument.




  1. I heart Shoog :) Such a cutiepie!!!

  2. i have the puppy broods! lois x

  3. jajaja. Yeah, but kids won't chew up the furniture, and they say "Momma" and "I love you".

  4. Sell their babies! HA HA!


  5. That's the compelling argument I choose to live by:-) but they forgot to add 4) you have a hell of a lot more money.

  6. Shoog is soo soo adorable!! Have a lovely merry happy day and love to you!


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