June 11, 2010

Shoog is still a boog

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Yes, shoog is still a boog.  She gets herself in these predicaments that she can't get out of.  Take, for example, the above predicament.  The other day I happened to glance outside and saw 2 big eyes staring at me.  I just about jumped out of my skin!  Shooger managed to get herself stuck on our patio table.  She tried to get down by herself, but as you can see she's not exactly the agile kind.  The third frame is my favorite, because she gets her hind legs perched up next to her front legs and then chickens out. We have obviously lost the "getting up on furniture" battle.

 Ah I love her!

Have a fun weekend!



  1. Too cute!! :)I have a bulldog pittbull mix and she is a hot mess, so cute and sooo silly!! They are bullheaded but then you see things like this and realize the are not that tough all the time. How could you not love that :)



  2. The funny thing is that I didn't realize how messy my backyard was until I published the pics here for all to see. Yikes!!!

    estroJen - A bulldog/pitbull mix sounds really cute! I love dogs with big bully heads.

  3. Cute pic... wouldn't want to see Shoog jump... looks like Shoog could get hurt and fall flat on the nose. ouchie.


  4. omg how is it possible that she's just gotten cuter and cuter?!!!

  5. I do love your posts on Shoog. Too funny for words! At least you know that the patio table definately has toughened glass! Maybe she just wants to be taller?

  6. Hahaha! Too great! This reminded me of a pix my mom has of me in the same predicament when I was 11 mos. Only I was on top of a 8 inch suitcase and couldn't get down. I have to wonder if my mom went through the same fright and laughter you did.

  7. What an amazing dog. Oddly enough he sort of reminds of my cat...she often gets herself in the same predicaments.

  8. Ok, 3rd day in a row that I've forwarded this post to dog-lovin' friends.... Shoog is just too adorable not to share again and again...

  9. That dog it the best!!! I love when you post about her...it just makes my day!

  10. i heart bulldogs, you're so lucky :-) great pics.

  11. I like the way she is poking her tongue at you as you take photos of her. It's as if she's saying 'thanks alot for helping me down instead of taking photos of me in my predicament!'

  12. Oh my, that's too funny. Love the one with her tongue sticking out! I have a boxer that does it too.


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