June 7, 2010

The Palm Springs celebration

This past weekend my husband and I took a little road trip to Palm Springs.  Actually we stayed in Indian Wells, which is a sister city to Palm Springs, but most people don't know where Indian Wells is, so Palm Springs it is! 

Indian Wells, along with Palm Springs, are some of the cleanest cities I have ever seen.  As we were driving into town, my husband and I kept saying to each other, "It's so clean here." "How do they keep it so clean?"  Where's the litter?" Then, when we got out of the car we said, "IT'S SO HOT HERE!  So, I suppose that's the trade off for cleanliness.


While we were there, an alcohol/substance recovery program group was having a celebration retreat at the resort.  There must have been about 250 people celebrating their sobriety. It made for a very interesting setting.  It was like spring break at Daytona Beach, but without the alcohol.  Usually the combination of pool side bootie shaking dancing, boisterous buff tattooed bodies, piercings, and what most would perceive as a wild looking crowd, would normally produce fighting and other uncomfortable situations.  But not this group - no fighting or anything of the sort.  Not only wasn't there the threat of what happens when parties go bad, but everyone from the group was extremely kind and joyful.  Genuinely joyful!  Everyone was very supportive of each other and they just wanted to celebrate a positive change they had made.  
I thoroughly enjoyed watching the celebration and the various conversations I had with the group members. I found myself sincerely excited for their success.  I wanted to ask whomever I came in contact with what was their story and how they overcame their addiction, however, I figured they weren't there to talk about their past because they have a new life to begin.  It was so special to witness their celebration and affinity for each other. It made our own special weekend that much more fun.
My husband and I had our own reason to celebrate this weekend, since we have been married for 16 years this month!

And much like the recovery group, we too are looking forward to the brightest of futures.




  1. I luv PS's! Was there last weekend w my hubby!! I'm in recovery (11 1/2 years) also and was told about that event! Sounds like u all had a great time n ur observations were so right on!!!
    Congratz on 16 years of Marriage!!!
    A Google Reader :-)

  2. Happy Anniversary Jamie and V.

    Congrats! to Shanti.

    What an encouraging blog... full of celebrations all around. Sorry, I don't have any celebration to add to the mix. Hey, It's my Unbirthday!.


  3. Hey Jamie,

    Congrats! :-)

    Its been some time since I have been visiting your blog. Never got to put in a comment as I always find more interesting things and pics on your blog. Love your creations.


  4. Damn 16 years!!! You look way too young to be married 16 years! Congrats to you and your family!!!!

  5. WOW- Me too! 16 years this month. Congratulations.


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