May 20, 2010

The vintage dresses

Here's how my vintage dress fits from the secret shop.  It fits perfectly (just as long as I don't increase my waistline by 1 centimeter).  I love wearing the dress.  I can see why women of the fifties wore dresses like these around the house.  It just feels so light, flowy, and pretty.  
It makes me feel like I could happily sweep my floors.

My other vintage dress has a drop waist fit and needs a little work...

As you can see, the sewer of this dress stitched black rick rack around the waist and partly outlining the neckline.  I'm not sure if I will complete the neckline rick rack, or take out the rick rack and add some trim.  I'm leaning towards the trim.

The best part about the dress is the fabric.

Such a sweet whimsical design.  This dress makes me want to go barefoot all day long and never so much as lift a finger for my floors.




  1. Beautiful vintage dresses. They look so elegant on you and I see why you feel good wearing them. :)

    I would have loved to be living in the 50ties. The dresses and the accessories were marvellous at that time. :)

  2. VERY sweet fabric on the second dress. I recall the days when everything had ric rac on it.


  3. These dresses are lovely! The trim you have in mind for the 2nd dress definitely gives it a more grown-up, classy look.

  4. that fabric is so fantastic! I love ric-rac, but in this case I would definitely go with that trim.

  5. The dresses are both beautiful and so flattering!

  6. LOVE it! I need to find a great vintage shop...

  7. Wow! that is a truly amazing dress, you wear it really nicely too. I just love this kind of dress, it's so "mad men", isn't it?

  8. I absolutely adore that striped shirt dress! Once I master buttonholes I fully intend on making something like that.

  9. I always liked those dresses because they are cute and just a simple dress, easy to choose and put in haha thanks for share.

  10. What namely you are writing is a horrible mistake.


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