April 20, 2010

Website updated?.... Check!

My website, Jamiechristina.com, is updated. I changed practically everything on the site; from the design to the about page.  I also added some new features, like a products page for purchasing.  Other new or improved features on the site include...

~ An updated list of shops that sell my patterns.
~ A wholesale info page.
~ A corrections page for any revisions or tips on my sewing patterns.  There is already a revision regarding how to make the waist ties longer on the Pretty Ditty Apron pattern.
~ A FAQ page.

Wrapping up the list of new features is the website mailing list, which is basically a way for me to keep you up to date on stuff like new products, corrections, and press.  If you'd like to sign up here's the link.




  1. I didn't know you had a site. Where have I been?

  2. There's something new on my blog. I am so excited. Sabrina and I love dem.

  3. Dearest Jamie, i am loving all the new changes! Your site looks really good! How wonderful to see you have a mailing list set up for newsletter and updates! Have a lovely merry happy day and love to you!


Hello there! Thanks for commenting. I usually respond to comments in the comment section because Blogger doesn't give me your email address. Have a great day!