April 9, 2010

The flower fields

On Easter, we went to the Carlsbad Flower Fields before visiting our families.  This was my first visit to the fields, which is strange considering I lived near them for a significant amount of my life.  I guess I took it for granted until I moved away.  Well, that and you have to pay to view the fields.  That also seems strange to me, but we payed and enjoyed our visit.

Notice my daughter.  Notice the dress.  Notice it is Easter.  Remember the Easter skirt I made her?  Well, she had other plans... Grrr!... sigh... 
Where were we?  Oh yes - the flowers...

A lovely day!



  1. The second I saw the first flower beds I knew it had to be Carlsbad. I wished there wasn't a fee to get in too. But the flowers make souls smile.

  2. beautiful pictures :)

  3. so beautiful! I ache for warmth without wind and sun without cold. One of these days.

  4. I lived in Arizona for years and there was a beautiful flower field on the outskirts of Phoenix. Now it's all gone, land sold to developers and is nothing but suburban homes... How sad to lose that beauty. Really enjoyed these photos!

    The Blue Ridge Gal

  5. Gorgeous photos. I love that one of your kids walking hand in hand and the tractor shot. Laughed at the bit about your daughter refusing to wear the Easter skirt you made especially for her. I know EXACTLY how you feel on that one. Little stinkers! :o)

  6. Thanks for sharing the photos. They are stunning!

  7. wow the flowers are so beautiful! great photos!

  8. Wow those flowers make me feel all warm and fuzzy, i want to dance through them (probably not allowed though). Lovely, thanks for sharing.

  9. It's a perfect location for a photo shoot session! I love this kind of natural landscapes as background, they are always perfect with any type of special effect... black and gray would look gorgeous!

  10. Beautiful! I'd love the be there! I didn't know that place! Carlsbad Flower Fields has been appearing in my dreams!!!

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