February 16, 2010

Hey there little red riding hood...

This past Sunday we celebrated my mom's and my sister's birthday. My mom didn't receive a hooded scarf for Christmas; instead, she got a Bibury Capelet. However, for her birthday she made a special request for a red hooded scarf.

I really like the plaid lining.

For my sister, I purchased a print from one of my favorite artists, Flossy P (Sarah Lyttle).

The print (on the right) is titled Up-Doo, and the postcard version is available in her etsy shop Flossy Particles. The bottom left is her business card. Yes, I'm going to frame that for myself. My daughter has already claimed the top left print titled All The Animals Know The Secret Of Life. She also has a blog full of lots and lots of inspiration. Here is the link to her blog.

I just love Flossy's work. My husband, the other day, told me about a speaker he had in one of his classes. The speaker is a professor in the art department and the lecture topic was on how to evaluate art. He said that judgement should be the last thing you decide when evaluating art. First, you should look at the colors, movement, emotion you feel when looking at the painting, and those that you believe the artist may have been trying to convey. The lecturer went into far more detail, but I found this interesting even in terms of people and first impressions. Anyways, my husband said that when he thinks about all of those points on how to interpret art, he concludes with, "Does it bring life or death?" Because in the end, you do have to make a judgement... if it's good or bad. Thinking in those terms, I would have to say that is exactly why I love Flossy-P's work. For me, her work is full of life and I like that.




  1. Your mom is just adorable! Love the red!

  2. "...you sure are looking good." I love the hooded scarf. It's really lovely and practical!

  3. Just to say I can't wait for the pattern for the hooded scarf - they look gorgeous ......

  4. Your mama is soo pretty and i LOV the hooded scarf! Happy belated birthday to your lovely mama and sis! Wishing you a sweet sweet day! Love to yoU!

  5. The red hooded scarf is lovely. I really must do one of those for myself.

  6. Your momma looks so happy. What a wonderful Kodak Moment.

    In regards to flossy's work. I like the movement of her body and hair. Very whimsical.

  7. Gosh! That is one of the nicest reviews of my work I've ever heard! Thank-you so much, I think I may be blushing. :)

    p.s. Your hooded scarf is lovely, and makes your mum look even more beautiful.


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