January 25, 2010

"Shoog go potty!"

This is sugar (A.K.A shoog). The week after Christmas, she became the newest addition to our family. Why we got another dog, I do not know. Perhaps we have too much time on our hands, or not enough dogs, or we're trying to fill some huge void for my husband getting a vasectomy too soon after the third child. Whatever the reason is, she is here to stay and I am responsible for her.
How did this happen? I was the sane one saying, "I just don't think we should get another dog." "I don't think we have the time to train another dog." Then I caved! Yes. I had a moment of weakness and before I knew it she was here...peeing everywhere!
Peeing on my wood floors...
peeing on my pergo floors...
peeing on my tile floors...
peeing on my towels...
peeing in front of me!
The dog training book instructs me to ask her to go potty when it's time to take her outside to do so. I did this the other night. With a sweet voice I said, "Do you want to go potty?" She then looked at me, squats on the bedroom carpet, and pees. I believe she was making a point to me that this was indeed how it's going to be.

My sister was here the other day and told me I wasn't training her correctly. She said I needed to use "positive reinforcement." Apparently, putting the Shoogs nose near the pee and sternly saying, "Bad dog" isn't positive. My youngest has volunteered the training advice he learned from commercials. After I finished correcting Sugar he said, "Mommy, don't get mad. Get glad!" My daughter has told us countless times to buy the Pee Pad.

Plus there's another problem...

The couch! We have a dog rule in this house which is no dogs are allowed on the carpet or the couch. Shoog's a rule breaker. Granted, this is the couch that I have been threatening to reupholster and I will... soon... someday... in a year or so. However, in the mean time, little shoog needs to find a new place for her afternoon siestas. I tried the positive reinforcement thing and I seriously think she chuckled at me when I picked her up and put her on the tiled floor. Once on the tile I said, "Good girrrl!" She was like, "Right. You and I both know I didn't put myself here. Now if you would please kindly take me back to the couch that would be great." The next time she got up on the couch I yelled, "Shoog! Get off the couch now!" This was her response...

Dang that dog is smart! The sad look. Gets me every time. That's exactly how I got into this mess in the first place! Every member of my family, from my youngest to my husband, gave me the sad face when asking for the dog.

On a positive note, I will say that she has found my long lost favorite slippers, a stuffed animal that none of us have any idea where it came from, and she takes great black and white pics.

She's a cute little shoog boog isn't she??? Family is forever.



  1. If I was ever tempted to get a dog again, I think you just talked me out of it!Cute post!

  2. That really made me smile, especially the post title, which is a what I'm saying to our corgi puppy many times throughout the day! I too didn't really need another dog (or pet) and got swept up in an impulsive decision for a wee little dog who just melts my heart...but sadly also potties all over the house. Ack. Good luck with the training and do pass on any great tricks you figure out! :)

  3. Ooooh Shoog is so cute! I understand potty problems... we had one with our cat! It's hard to read pet's minds to find out what the problem is, but after adding another litter box, keeping it very clean, and using Dumb Cat No Marking spray, we finally found a solution! Hard work.

    Also, I love that you posted on your pet today, because so did I! I wrote about Cats Vs. Dogs and posted a few photos of my kitty, Bella. If you have a moment, check it out:




  4. Oh, I love Shoog!! She is so darn cute! Our second dog ignored all of our previous rules like don't sleep on the bed, no dogs on the sofa. The bed I never managed to overcome... but the sofa just takes one simple trick. Tin foil. Lay a couple of sheets of foil on the sofa and she won't be on there anymore. The sound of it freaks them out.

    But she's a lover not a fighter, so give her some love from me!

  5. Shoog is a cutie, she takes wonderful pictures too!!

  6. Shoog is super cute. Luckily we don't have the pee problem, but the sofa problem is a big one. I've tried everything to stop our dog from sleeping on the sofa. I have even put a chair across the sofa only to find her sleeping between the rungs, and if I put a sheet over the sofa, she takes it off - crazy dog. Good luck! :)

  7. Sooo cute! My last dog was a bulldog and OH MAN THE STUBBORNNESS of that dog! I wish you the best of luck...they are great dogs in the end. Oh, just maybe get pet insurance.

  8. What a cutie pie! Thank goodness she has a saving grace, no? Has she been to see Auntie Lucy, yet? Maybe Auntie Lucy can give her some pointers.
    I feel your pain. Mom's dog thinks he has to mark anything and everything. Today, he was caught peeing on Barbie's car tire. I kid you not. Thank goodness for Clorox!

  9. We got a fantastic book for training our dog, it's all about positive reinforcement, it's called "positive perspectives" by Pat Miller, I would definately recommend it

  10. I have two of the most stubborn dogs ever and yes... I have faced the same problems. Years ago I learned the easiest way to train my dogs and it has never failed me. You have to dedicate two weeks. Your dog must never be left alone the entire time :] ... I know...it is hard to come up with that much free time but you can split it with others in the family. Start by choosing a place you would like him to do his business. Then take him there every couple of hours. Choose a command word ... like potty now but don't choose a word that you use around the house at other times ...like... go boy. The inevitable worse will still happen :/ and when it does clean it up with a paper towel. Take the whole mess (yep I said mess ...lol) to the spot you chose for him to do his business, give him the command word and just leave the mess there. The pile will get bigger and bigger but pretty soon your dog will realize that the place to go is the place you have chosen. It is also a good idea to use a smell remover in the house where he has gone. Even though you can't smell it, he can and that smell will attract him to go there again. There is a spray called Smells be gone and a few others on the market too.... hope this helps :)

  11. Thank you! I will have to give it a try. I was hoping to get some ideas on how to train her correctly and there are some good ones here. Thanks everyone =)

  12. That photo series was the best ever! I love that dog. I am getting a puppy this spring again...and hope to have all the same complaints!

  13. Shoog is adorable and your post is making me think again about the realities of adopting another dog. We're in line to adopt an abandoned Newfoundland and are very excited! Thanks for the reality check but I think it's still full-steam-ahead (I think.....). Just know you're not the only one!

  14. Surprise! It's your auntie pam!!!! my limited computer knowledge has kept me from even getting interested in your blogspot, I love it! All the photos are so darn cute, but there's another story waiting to be told about the "couch". I originally bought it in 1980, it moved with me three times, then in 1992 my soninlaw Scott, loaded it up in his little Mazda truck (another story), along with afew other items and tootled on down the road with it to their house (2000 miles away). I have a picture of him as he drove away, it reminded me of the Beverly Hillbillies! Anyway, it lived with my daughter and family for several years, made the move back to california in 2000, and then went to my sister's house for another life. It lived with your mama for a few years and then go packed up again for the trip to Jamie and Vic's house. Oh yeah, it got recovered at your mama's house! Now it's Shooga's new bed. Whew! that couch and loveseat, you could make a movie about it's life!
    i love you so much my little sweetie pie, love, auntie pam


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