January 14, 2010

A raffle for Haiti

The raffle is now closed. A big THANK YOU to those of you that donated and entered the raffle. Your generosity has made it a success! I have removed the donate button and will announce the winners on Friday.
Thank you again =)

In light of the tragedy in Haiti, I am going to try something new. Initially, I intended to do a post on what my parents made me for Christmas, but I can't. My heart is too heavy with feelings of compassion for the Haitian people. When I read about the Mothers digging in the rubble for their little ones, or see the picture of the girl with her hands raised to the sky in agony over the death of her brother, I feel so frustrated that I can't hold them. I want so badly to help, to physically help them, but I can't. I know that I am not alone in my frustrations. Though I can not physically help, nor am I wealthy enough to make a big contribution, I can sew!

I am raffling off the Daisy Pretty Ditty Reversible Apron below. Actually, I'm raffling off 2 Daisy aprons!

To enter the raffle simply click on the Donate button above and make a donation of $1.00 or more. For each dollar donated, you will get an entry. For example, if you donate $5.00 you will have 5 entries. After you make the donation you will be redirected back to this page. When you return to this page, click on the comments link located at the bottom of this post and leave your name and how many entries you qualify for. I will make sure that everyone is entered correctly. However, it just helps to have someone double check it. Every dollar will be donated to Doctors Without Borders. The Raffle will close at 9:00 pm (pst) Wednesday the 20th of January 2010. I will announce the 2 winners the following Friday. The winners will be chosen via a random number generator. International friends are encouraged to enter.

That's it!
Just make a donation of $1.00 or more then come back here and let me know in the comments section of this post. It's exciting to think that our $1 donations, though small at first, when combined have the potential of making a significant and positive impact in the recovery of the Haitian people.



  1. All done, although paypal wouldn't let me come back here for some reason.

  2. Thank you for organizing this - I feel so helpless too!
    (3 entries)
    P.S.: Same problem here - couldn't return to you page from PayPal.

  3. Thank you both so much! I think I fixed the "return to me" page. Let me know if there are any problems.

  4. Thank you for making it so easy to help out. I really wanted to do something but I hadn't decided how or to where. Your link made the decision easy. I made my donation (10)... and I love your aprons. :)

  5. Thank you. I wish more artists like you were doing similar things. While most of us can't provide large donations, we can all use our crafts to raise money. (10 donations)

  6. Hi thanks for this it's a great way to encourage people to donate. 15 entries.

  7. Great Idea!!!
    Thank you for caring and sharing.
    (10 entries)

  8. Thanks for the opportunity to donate (5 for me).

  9. still can't return to you from paypal, but no matter! Great idea, Jamie! Also, there is a website Hope for Haiti.com that you can donate your item (apron?) and they collect the donations. It's pretty cool and it would get your name out there, too. Just FYI.

  10. Great idea, and your aprons are beautiful!

    I donated, but using a different email address so please let me know if you require that to match the entries!

    I have 5 entries.

  11. Thank you all so much!

    Wendy - I tried to fix that earlier, but I guess I didn't. I think I'll just leave it because every time I mess with the button, it messes up the link. I then go into a panic for about 5 minutes or until I fix the button link. So, I going to leave it =) Also, thanks for the Hopeforhaiti.com site referral. I wanted to hurry up and do something, so I chose Doctors Without Borders because they are a reputable charity. Hopefully there isn't a next time, but if there is I will certainly consider Hopeforhaiti.

    Ginger - Thanks for your donation. Every time a person donates, I receive an email notification. I then write down the name and number of entries they qualify for on my Raffle List. You should be fine =)

  12. God be with them. I can't even begin to understand it.

  13. Oh I should have put I donated 5

  14. Thanks for doing this! (10 entries)

  15. Hi Jamie, Thank you for putting this together, it is really a good opportunity to help. Love you love you mama

  16. What a sweet way to help out. You are so thoughtful, Jamie.

  17. Hi Jamie,Thanks for doing this,you are so very thoughtful.(20 donation)It was so nice to see you Saturday!Love,Mary B.

  18. Great idea, this will come back to you many times over. (10 entries) While I would love the apron, I really don't care if I get it, I just like participating in this great, unusual way to help.

  19. Hi Jamie,
    I tried to comment a couple of days ago but for some reason it did not show (I hope this one works?) Thank you so much for doing this. (10 entries)

  20. I donated ($5) but the paypal acct is in my husband's name (Keven). Thanks for the opportunity to give and help a little!

  21. This is such a great thing you're doing...Thank You! (I have 15 entries).

  22. Thanks so much for doing this! (10 entries)

  23. I just found you today. You are talented and have a great heart! Thanks for doing something!

  24. Excellent idea! (10 entries)

  25. Hi Jamie...awesome thing you are doing!!! I donated $20.00. Thanks..can't wait to see you at

  26. Thank you everyone for entering the raffle! This raffle is now closed and I will announce the winners on Friday.
    Thank you again! =)

  27. Thank you so much for providing individuals with an extremely spectacular chance to read from here. It is usually very amazing and also stuffed with a lot of fun for me and my office acquaintances to search your blog a minimum of 3 times in 7 days to find out the latest stuff you will have. And of course, I'm also actually satisfied considering the fabulous things you give. Certain 2 areas in this post are honestly the finest I have had.

  28. Aww, your designs are so cute and adorable! I really enjoyed your article over here and the pictures in particular! Great job and goor luck to you!

  29. These dresses are so so cute! I really like the color of both of them, they look so elegant!

  30. Hello!
    This is such a lovely and terrific post of yours! These two cute dresses are absolutely stunning, I do like them a lot! Great job!

  31. You're very talented! You know that, right?

  32. These dresses are beautiful!
    Can I have one?


Hello there! Thanks for commenting. I usually respond to comments in the comment section because Blogger doesn't give me your email address. Have a great day!