January 29, 2010

New Kokka and Nani Iro fabric

New Kokka fabric in the shop...

Oh- the clothes I would like to make out of this fabric for my daughter.....IF SHE WOULD WEAR THEM! She has this idea in her head that the clothes I make for her are hot - not hot as in H to the O to the T, but temperature hot.
The crazy thing is she will ask me to make clothes for her! She has already asked me to make her something out of the Alice in Wonderland fabric. I want to, but I don't think she'll wear it. However, I'll wear it! Yes, I'm totally thinking about making myself a spring skirt out of the Alice in Wonderland fabric (blue). A soft off-white cardigan with it...mmm-hmm! I'm not sure who, but one of us is going to have an Alice in Wonderland skirt for Easter.

2 new Nani Iro prints from her Antique Label collection...

Hana Yura is printed on 100% cotton canvas and definitely makes my eyes feel good (link).


To those of you that gave me some tips on how to train my booger - I mean sugar (dog) - thank you. I will be trying them out this weekend, beginning with the couch.

If it doesn't work... I may have a giveaway here shortly. Just joking. I mean seriously, you can't give away dogs on a blog. Pfff! Riiight???

Have a great weekend!



  1. That dog is hilarious! Love the fabrics. My oldest daughter often refuses to wear what I make her too. I trick her into it by packing the offending item as spare clothes for a play date or for after swimming. I ask a couple of friends to compliment her on what she is wearing and then I can't get her out of the outfit. Works everytime!

  2. Love love love that shot of your dog! He is not on it, but owning your couch. Can he be more "obnoxious" about his rules violation!?!? Ha ha ha. I love it!

  3. Digging the dog shot... such a cutie...

  4. This dog needs her own blog...really. What a face!

  5. My mom used to make me clothes when I was young, too. And once they were made I didn't want them. Or I outgrew them in a month! She'll get over it... I wish my mom would make me clothes now hahaha

    And it looks like Sugar is making himself right at home! Good luck with training...

    And lastly, I love the fabrics that you blog about. They are soooo beautiful!

  6. I tell people I had the local Australian Shepherd rescue's phone number on speed dial during the first two years of our Aussie's life. And I was only half-joking! Hand in there, though. Pups just get easier as they get older.

  7. Hi Jamie,

    I haven't been able to blog like I used...different season in my life. Your doggie looks so comfy and cute. I want to take a nap on your couch too, he makes it look so appealing.

  8. beautiful! it's a simple word but is the only one to describe it! I think we can't ignore the way like you presented those creations, yet all it'd be nice if you can add some fabrics from India... some blogger are talking about that and you must read something about it to improve you r knowing. 23jj

  9. Thanks so much for your article, very helpful info.


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